How to make pva glue

How to make pva glue

PVA glue will help you glue paper and plastic figures, wooden parts and repair different things necessary in the farm. We will tell how to make it yourself to make PVA glue, and you will not need to run to the store behind him during repair. Homemade glue can also be used to stick the wallpaper in the house and as a primer surface before the final finish.

How to make glue PVA - what is needed for this

Prepare the following ingredients for the preparation of glue:

  • 1 l of distilled water;
  • 100 g of flour wheat. Well ashes flour before cooking glue;
  • 4 g of glycerin. Buy in a pharmacy;
  • 20 ml of ethyl alcohol. Also sold in pharmacies. You can replace with the alcohol technical, as a last resort;
  • 5 g gelatin photographic. Purchase in the store where you sell products for cameras.

How to make PVA glue - preparation

Preparation PVA glue can be divided into two stages - preparation and direct production. Preparation lies in soaking gelatin:

  • pour distilled or conventional water into the glass;
  • pour gelatin into water;
  • leave for swelling per day.

If the jelly came out too thick - dive with hot water and mix well. The rest of the manipulations spend on the second day.

How to make PVA glue - cooking process

Prepare two enameled saucepans - one size is more, and the other is smaller, so that it enters the first. You will prepare in a water bath. After the gelatin will swell, proceed to the preparation of glue:

  • pour distilled water into an enamelled suduch of smaller size and place it to another ideop to the water bath on the stove;
  • we gradually add to distilled water wake-up gelatin and flour, stirred with a small number of ordinary water. See that the flour mixture there is no lumps;
  • be a mixture to boil. But you do not need to boil and constantly stir up so that there are no lumps. The mixture should remind a home sour cream. Remove from water bath after obtaining the required consistency;
  • slightly cool down and add alcohol and glycerin to the mixture. Mix thoroughly to come out thick homogeneous mass. The stirring time is up to 10 minutes, three stirring is not enough.

Clause glue and use for destination.

How to make PVA glue - useful tips

After graduation from the preparation of glue, air the room. The cooled remedy is transferred to comfortable suitable jars. Keep the glue in a dense container with a closed lid, otherwise it dries. Before applying it to the surface, stir into the jar in the jar and then apply a small amount of glue. Bled surfaces initially prepare - degrease, remove the old paint and the like. Store glue not more than 6 months at a temperature of 10 to 15 degrees of heat. At lower temperatures, it is stored no more than two months.

Materials for the preparation of homemade glue PVA will be needed, and it's easy and quick to do it. Most importantly, keep all the above proportions of ingredients and constantly interfere with the adhesive mass in the cooking process.

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