  • House and Gen.
    A variety of construction and finishing materials today simply enthusiasm. If you wish, you can purchase materials for every taste and create an incredible design.
    13.11.2017 354 0
  • Interior
    Wallpapers are the most popular and easy way to quickly change the interior of the room. Wallpaper on a fliesline basis is becoming increasingly popular, with which you can create the necessary relief walls and emphasize the lighting.
    11.09.2017 470 1
  • Wallpaper
    Liquid wallpaper is a type of decorative plaster. The composition of this material includes cellulose fibers obtained in the wood processing industry.
    04.03.2017 418 0
  • House and Gen.
    The room can be a personal space of one person, and the place where people seeking comfort and peace are going.
    11.02.2017 469 0
  • Wallpaper
    We decided to glue the wallpaper at home, but do not know where to start? Then this article is for you. In it, you will find important tips and recommendations, how to glue vinyl wallpaper.
    10.02.2017 533 0
  • Wallpaper
    To start repairing the room, you need to get old wallpaper to start. If new wallpapers are pasted on a pre-prepared wall, then their appearance will be more attractive.
    10.02.2017 418 0
  • Wallpaper
    Fliseline wallpapers, designed for subsequent painting, glue quite easily. At the same time, given their unusual structure, you need to adhere to certain rules for their wall mounting and ceilings.
    13.01.2017 471 0
  • Wallpaper
    Beginner masters when repairing its apartment think that wallpaper sticking is a common thing, and everyone can cope with him.
    21.11.2016 522 0
  • Wallpaper
    People most often for wallpapers are chosen wallpaper. Such popularity is explained by the large selection of colors and textures, as a result of the use of which the room receives the necessary appearance.
    18.08.2016 596 0
  • Wallpaper
    How is it easier and faster to revive the faded atmosphere in the room? Of course, throw the wallpaper! This is not only the final stage of any repair, but also an affordable option to refresh the situation.
    28.07.2016 596 0
  • Mounting
    The ideal solution for cosmetic repairs in the new apartment will vinyl wallpapers. They have several advantages over other: elasticity, strength, moisture resistance, during shrinkage they will not dug from the wall.
    14.09.2015 803 0
  • Mounting
    Most of the owners choose wallpapers, guided solely coloring and drawing. But this is considered advisable only when buying a bedroom cloth cloth or living room.
    10.08.2015 1029 0
  • Mounting
    The kitchen is a room with a special microclimate, where high humidity is observed, a large amount of steam, condensate, splashes of various liquids, sometimes even smoke, as well as an abundance of smells.
    04.08.2015 1098 0
  • Mounting
    According to statistics, in the bedroom we spend about a third part of life. It is quite logical that the place for recreation and sleep should be comfortable and cozy.
    21.07.2015 1424 0
  • Mounting
    When repairing the hallway, the hosts very often choose wallpaper as a finishing material and are looking for the most appropriate option.
    10.07.2015 1563 0
  • Interior
    The hall is the "face" of the apartment, and to the selection of finishes in it it is necessary to come up with special care. Today the construction market offers many types of wallpaper that will easily decorate and complement your interior, regardless of the price.
    05.07.2015 1132 0
  • Mounting
    As a rule, pasting wallpaper walls are made after buying housing, or if the home owner wants to change the interior.
    19.06.2015 1321 0
  • Mounting
    Almost everyone knows that a pleasant feeling when the room was repaired, namely, the wallpaper did not want to go out of the room.
    03.06.2015 1705 0
  • Mounting
    Plasterboard is a universal building material that is used everywhere, including to level the surface under the wallpaper.
    18.05.2015 1455 0
  • Mounting
    The choice of wallpaper for the kitchen is a responsible step for a person who has identified the repair. The coverage of the walls of the most popular room in the apartment should be not only beautiful, but durable and reliable.
    28.04.2015 1020 1
  • Mounting
    The durability of the wallpaper coating and the appearance of the interior depends on the preparation of walls and the correct gluing wallpaper.
    02.03.2015 1757 0
  • Mounting
    Material wallpapers for many owners are wounded. But from the usual material, they do not differ anywhere, with the exception of an increased width, which significantly reduces the number of seams in the room, and at the same time, the effort and time is almost 2 times.
    01.03.2015 1869 0
  • Mounting
    For many of us, plating wallpaper is a familiar business. If not on your own experience, at least from the side almost everyone has the opportunity to explore this process.
    20.02.2015 1066 0
  • Mounting
    Wallpapers - a popular version of the interior of the housing, as the simplicity of work is characterized - for this it is not necessary to invite builders.
    22.01.2015 1684 0
  • Mounting
    Many owners prefer the ceiling finish with wallpaper, because it is quite affordable material. The surface is smooth and beautiful, without visible seams, if you follow the instructions.
    22.01.2015 1084 0
  • Mounting
    Liquid wallpaper is a modern finishing material consisting of natural cotton and cellulose fibers, adhesive components, high-quality dyes and various decorative elements - from quartz crumb to silk threads.
    30.11.2014 1997 0
  • Mounting
    Due to its structure and diversity of color design, liquid wallpapers are used everywhere: they cover the walls in apartments, offices and even economic premises.
    26.11.2014 5608 0
  • Interior
    Combining wallpaper - no longer "wonder", but a standard designer solution, a fairly popular reception in the interior design, which rapidly multiply enthusiastic fans.
    21.09.2014 8924 1
  • House and Gen.
    There are hundreds of descriptions of the methods of cooking. On the Internet there are a variety of recipes, sometimes with amazing ingredients like blood of animals.
    28.08.2014 1186 0
  • Mounting
    Many it seems that painting wallpaper is a rather complicated process. However, with the right selection of paint under a certain type of wallpaper, the newcomer will cope with it.
    20.08.2014 4186 0
  • Mounting
    Glue vinyl wallpaper on a fliesline basis - solid pleasure. Not needed in an uncomfortable posture to apply glue to the basis of wallpaper.
    15.08.2014 3715 0
  • Mounting
    Wall finishing wallpaper should be made on properly prepared walls. It has not only aesthetic value, but is the necessary technological stage.
    28.07.2014 2111 0
