How to glue wallpaper on a fliesline basis

How to glue wallpaper on a fliesline basis

Wallpapers are the most popular and easy way to quickly change the interior of the room. Wallpaper on a fliesline basis is becoming increasingly popular, with which you can create the necessary relief walls and emphasize the lighting. Working with such a cannut is much easier than with paper. But at the same time, a number of features of their use should be taken into account for uniform and correct bleeding of wallpaper.

How to glue wallpaper on a fliesline basis - what is the feature of the material

  • If you look closely, such wallpapers are much thicker than usual. The upper drawing is quite bulky, due to which the wallpaper can be glued to uneven surfaces and with small flaws.
  • Working with phlizelin wallpaper is much easier. They do not destroy during sticking and do not destroy, besides, it is possible to apply glue only to the surface. The cloth on a thick basis falls on the wall without a chance, but requires fit for a large drawing.
  • After complete drying, the image on the canvase is not deformed. Most of the wallpapers on Flizelin are not afraid of moisture. Also on them can be applied paint, but only special - for internal works.
  • Fliselin wallpaper is much more practical than paper, long retain your color. In addition, colors and drawings with volumetric protrusions are much more.

How to glue wallpaper on a fliesline basis - Preparation of walls

  • Before sticking new wallpapers, clean the wall from the old coating. To do this, wet the wallpaper, wait until the paper sofas, and let it easily. From how carefully you prepare the surface will depend on the degree of fixation of the wallpaper.
  • If you have a wallpaper with a big pattern, you do not need to align the walls. This also applies to the corners. But if you have a fine drawing or a monophonic cloth, then the surface is aligned with putty.
  • Modern finish mixtures for alignment do not require applying primer before sticking wallpaper. But if you did not proceed with them, then additionally drive it.
  • Pay special attention to the feature of the wallpaper on Flizelin - they have a more transparent foundation than paper. Therefore, if you have a light shade wallpaper, and the previous ones were dark, then they should be removed as closely as possible or covered with white putty.
  • The wall for the first time you will glue the wallpaper, be sure to progress. Especially if it is from drywall, concrete or painted.

How to glue wallpaper on a fliesline basis - technology

  • The prerequisite for sticking any wallpaper is the exclusion of drafts. Therefore, when you work indoors, close all windows and doors, do not turn on the hoods.
  • Although the application of glue is not required on the canvas, this rule does not apply to work during the heat or in too warm the room. Otherwise, the glue will dry quickly and will not secure the canvas on the wall. Additionally, apply the brush with a thick layer of glue on the joint line and near the plinth.
  • Flizelin wallpaper is glued to the joint to the joint, so there is no need to begin shots from the side of the window. It is best to start working with a canvas from the most visible angle, especially if you did not align it. In the corners, the whole strips of wallpaper are best describing than their pieces.
  • When you measured the height of the canvas, add from above and below 10 centimeters. Perfectly smooth plinth and ceiling cannot be, so add a bit on the allowance.
  • The first strip should be glued along with a plunder. Make it very simple. Cut a solid thread along the length of equal height of the wall. On one edge, tie the ship, and the other secure under the ceiling. If you can't do a plumb, then drew a strictly vertical line on the wall with a level.
  • Turn the cloth twice (inversely internally), start glue it from above. As the book promotes, gradually straighten it. At the same time, place the strip strictly on a plunder or jack to the previous web.
  • To eliminate bubbles inside the canvas, the wallpaper should be swallowed with a silicone roller from the center of the strip to the side line. Also handle the cloth at the top and near the floor.
  • In order for the edges of the wallpaper tightly glued, additionally press them against the wall with a rubber or plastic staple. The junction line should be cleaned with a clean cloth.
  • When you completely glued the canvas, cut off the excess part of the wallpaper. Do it only with a sharp knife and until the glue is dry. Otherwise, then you will not be able to remove the wallpaper.
  • It is much easier to glue the wallpaper with a small pattern or under painting. If you have a large drawing, then before applying glue on the wall, attach a web and pick up the picture. Then determine the length of the strip and only cut the wallpaper.
  • After you finished glue the cloth and cut off the excess part, once again, on the places of wallpaper, blame the tissue and remove the remnants of the glue. It will be noticeable especially on dark wallpaper.

Important! Do not open the windows and doors until the glue on the wallpaper does not dry. Otherwise, they will stop the wall, and you will have to do everything again.

Although the wallpaper on a flieslinic basis is very simple, it is necessary to adhere to these rules and recommendations on technology. Otherwise, you will not only spoil the cloth, but will not achieve the desired effect in the interior.

Comments leave a comment 09/13/2017 at 12:19.

It is excellent

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