How to glue wallpaper

How to glue wallpaper

People more often total for finishes wall choose wallpaper. Such. popularity explained big choice flowers and texture, v aspect applications which room gets necessary external view. If hire employees for washes, then to you not need know subtlety of this process. Well a v case self execution work, necessary reverse attention on many recommendations. At it is desirable explore their in advance.
You decided ourselves book wallpaper, then remember, what process includes many details, which require  analysis for adoption  someor solutions.

1) O fights  and their payment

For start necessary select view wallpaper. It can be  paper or vinyl, fliselinova or under paint. Further consultants calculate necessary number rollov, for of this necessary to report sizes you rooms, availability v her windowsoperactions and doorsIf you want to wallpaper with pattern, then necessary take into account, what consumption will much more. Choice glue depends from quality wallpaper, a instruction on application there is on packing.

2) NS hope walls for shook wallpaper

For start necessary prepare room. Better total put away furniture v other room or cover her film. Old wallpaper can put away at aid spatula. If do this is problematic, then Need bucket water and with help valika  nan her on old wallpaper. When water absorbed, can try contemplate againIf on wall there is strong rightness, then their necessary smear putty. Also important align anglesAfter that start  finish  wall.

It is necessary to glue wallpaper on dry, clean and low-fat surfaces. It is also recommended to remove the plinth.

Stowing wallpaper

Often L. yude without obvious not know with some places necessary start off glue. Technique vangest fits for oklayika from window bloka, in order hide seam, which form. Technique jack assumes start work with absolutely any places.
First you need to prepare a place to cut and miss glue wallpaper. For this, the floor covered with linoleum is suitable in order to be able to wash the floors quickly. Next decompose the roll, measure the size of the wall with a margin, bend the roll and cut off. Remove the roll in the opposite side again and repeat all the procedures until the roll end. Next to prepare glue according to the instructions and smear the wall and strip. After that, you need to fold the strip in half, connecting its ends. Lower the wall to be treated with glue, climbing the staircase, and let go of the wallpaper strips one of the sides. Thus, it turns out that the wallpaper is hung down. Next to attach to the top of the wall and see that everything sticks vertically. Then slightly press the central part of the top of the wallpaper, to get off the stairs and see correctly sticking the strip or not. If everything is smooth, then you need to press the wallpaper sheet in the direction from the center to its edges. This will allow you to drive air bubbles and remnants of glue. It is better to make a roller or a clean cloth. WITHfrowning  striped  wallpaper necessary glistenjack with the previous one.
Remember that bubbles and folds do not appear during drying, you need to implement such recommendations:
  • work should be carried out at a room in a room from 23 to 25 degrees;
  • the floors of walls are important to protect against drafts;
  • eliminate the penetration of sun rays on the wallpaper.

4Stowing  wallpaper with pattern or pattern

If you chose wallpaper with picture, then important right their remove. it can do two ways.
  • At first stick first sheet and combine second, approximately on his. At it is make tags, on which wallpaper necessary cut.
  • Straightaway slice loves, orientating on made merki. at combining figure on semi.
Blights decompose on semi and combine pattern with other cut loves. At it is loves will be have waste.
In order not spoil figure when sticking, necessary follow land described procedure.

5) How to glue about fights v corners

If you newbie, then to you have to torture with corners, especially if they not smooth. Experienced masters create even with sAME complicated corners and this is easily explainly. It is impossible to glue the whole web, because it does not flick. It is recommended to leave the allowance of several centimeters to the other side of the angle, and then to the top of this canvase begin to stick the next one. In a double joint, you need to cut through with a sharp knife, then remove all the remnants and get a well-finished corner.
After obtained knowledge, can with certainty start off repair work. After all, when you know, v which sequences act, then and result will good. Updated room fill hearts all members families, because how after all all made with love.

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