How to glue wallpaper

How to glue wallpaper

Almost everybody knows that pleasant feeling when the room did repair, namely, pokleit wallpaper, and you do not want to leave the premises. Man is nice to see the fruits of their work. However, not uncommon that the next morning in some places the wallpaper starting to fall behind. How to fix this bad moment? Let's take a closer look at this topic.

Which is better to use glue

For this process, you can use any thick adhesive: paste, a well-known PVA or special mixture For joints. The first (paste) - the most economic option. For it will need water, flour or starch from these components and it is cooked. In PVA has a big flaw leaves traces on light wallpaper. And the spots are very visible in daylight, which in general can spoil the general form of the wall. Special adhesive is easy to use, but if you need to glue large areas, it is not very profitable. It is sold in small tubes and on the price compared to the other high.

What if the joints were peeled off wallpaper

Take a clean cloth, gently bend the edges of the wallpaper, remove the remnants of putty. To avoid lumps formed after pasting, and wipe the walls with a cloth or vacuum clean it. If you fall behind on the wall of a large piece of plaster, then prime the slot and let dry. Only then smear the wall and left behind a piece of wallpaper glue, let soak. Five minutes later, when needed Spread another layer and glue. Roller or press down with clean cloth joints to the wall plane. Vinyl wallpaper smooth with a damp cloth. At the end of those places where you pasted, it is necessary to iron a hot iron through a thick cloth. This is to ensure that the glue (PVA) quickly grabbed. Wall get perfect.

Replacement of the damaged part of the wallpaper

You have a little child and he likes to draw, and when he is interested in, then makes pictures on the wallpaper? Such pictures are not at all suitable under the interior of your room. Then it remains to replace the damaged part of the wallpaper. To do this, cut a piece of pattern and replace a calaink-malya or cut off part of the spoiled strip and replace the new to the bottom. Just look carefully so that the drawing coincides.

How to get rid of bubbles and irregularities

To do this, you will need a syringe medical and thick glue. Carefully make a puncture in the bubble from above and below. Remove the needle, insert the syringe into the hole and extrude the glue gradually. It turns out that the glue will go through the upper hole, and the air will be squeezed through the bottom. Then the rapid press the bubble to the wall and scream it.

The fold should be cut by the blade, then reveal its edges, soak it with glue and first glue one part of it, and to impose another on top. Sweep this place with a hairdryer or endure the iron, through the fabric.

Rules Sticker Wallpaper

In order for you after pasting the walls, you did not have to correct the disadvantages described above, observe the technology, namely:

  • do not open the windows, the door so that there is no drafts in the room until the walls are dry with wallpaper;
  • the optimal temperature in the room must be + 19-24ºС;
  • before pasting, carefully prepare the walls so that they are smooth, and the remains of old wallpaper were not attended.

Now you and the shoulder yourself make cosmetic repairs in the room. It is not necessary to cross the wallpaper if you didn't like the repair, as it can be corrected by such simple and inexpensive methods.

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