How to glue non-woven vinyl wallpaper

How to glue non-woven vinyl wallpaper

Glue vinyl wallpaper on a fliesline basis - solid pleasure. Not needed in an uncomfortable posture to apply glue to the basis of wallpaper. Enough to apply glue on the wall, attach wallpaper and smooth them.

Cut up a room with an area of \u200b\u200b20 m² really in one day. This is possible, provided that everything is necessary at hand - a sufficient number of wallpaper, suitable glue and convenient tools. It is impossible to buy a wallpaper, focusing on the total area of \u200b\u200bthe walls. Calculate how many wallpapers you need. For this, the perimeter of the room is divided into width wallpaper. Sharing the length of the roll 10 m to the height of the walls, you will learn how many wallpaper bands you can cut out of 1 roll. If the wallpaper requires fitting pattern - you will have only 3 bands.

Buying wallpapers immediately, pour glue for fliesline wallpaper, PVA glue and tools. Check on the list, do you have everything:

  • Capacity and radiator brush for dilution of glue. Radiator brush has a long handle that is convenient to stir glue. Also, she is useful for you to glue PVA.
  • Roller and brushes to apply glue.
  • Roulette.
  • Pencil.
  • Level or plumb. The plumbing accurately shows the vertical, in terms of the level it is easier to mark the vertical line.
  • Plastic spatula. Such a spatula smoothes the wallpaper, pressing them to the surface.
  • Clamping rollers. Narrow roller - to smooth seams. Wide will help drive out air from under wallpaper.
  • Scissors. We will need to cut the edge of the wallpaper in the corners.
  • Construction or stationery knife with interchangeable blades.
  • Soft white fabric, gauze or sponge to remove excess glue.
  • A greasy spatula 20-30 cm wide for trimming wallpaper.

Wallpapers are glued to the prepared surface. It should be cleaned from old coating, blots and peeling paint. Plastering layer Align with a putty to a smooth surface, then stick to the painting grid and drive the universal primer.

Vinyl wallpaper on a flieslinic basis is considered severe. The proportions of glue and water are shown on the packaging. Divide glue water room temperature in an amount recommended for blending heavy wallpaper. Pour the 3rd part of the glue into another container, add some water. This solution is once again driving the walls. Mark the vertical line on the wall, taking into account the wallpaper sheet to enter an angle by 1-2 cm.

Cut the lane with a 10-cm wallpaper with a length of 10 cm. Sut off the next strip, combining the drawing from the first. Roll off each sheet of wallpapers in a roll. Apply glue glue on the wall on the width width. Corners, upper and lower walls Loaded with diluted PVA glue. Apply a sheet of wallpapers to the wall along the vertical line. The top edge of the wallpaper should go on the ceiling or on a plinth of 5 cm.

Wallpaper smoothed the spatula from the middle to the edges. Top and bottom Cut the surplus with a knife blade. Shand the next strip, combining the drawing. Adopted glue carefully remove with a wet cloth.

Compliance with these simple rules will help you to switch vinyl wallpaper on a fliesline basis so that they will serve you not one year.

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