How to glue wallpaper on plasterboard

How to glue wallpaper on plasterboard

For many of us, plating wallpaper is a familiar business. If not on your own experience, at least from the side almost everyone has the opportunity to explore this process. But in the case of plasterboard there are new, fundamentally important points. The technology is not too complicated, but requires the correct sequence of actions.

The surface, covered with plasterboard, originally soil. Here we use acrylic primer, desirable the one that is intended for GKL. We divor her in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer. Apply a brush of medium stiffness to heat the material well. The processing of the primer improves the adhesion of the plasterboard sheet with applying subsequently finishing materials.

All seams are sanging the reinforcing ribbon. If it is fixed not enough, we can use the usual PVA. Sherryanka will make the seams more durable and in the future will save them from cracks. Next, seam fill with putty and align the joint with the overall sheet surface. Watch that there are no airbags inside the seams.

On the head of the screws, it is recommended to apply paint. So we protect metal from corrosion and increase its service life.


We proceed with the putty of plasterboard. New skills we will not need, we use the principle conventional putty wall. Since the GLC is smooth, it will be enough to apply 2 layers - first the starting composition, then the finishing. After complete drying, each layer is grinding finely and coarse sandpaper. It is important not to apply extra efforts so as not to erase the putty completely and do not bargain the cardboard itself.

If you save efforts and skip the putty step, there may be quite unpleasant consequences, namely:

  • translucent of seams through the wallpaper of light tones;
  • when changing wallpaper, the old will be removed with the layer of plaster;
  • displaying a picture when sticking new wallpapers on top of the old, if the top layer is the lighter of the bottom.

Podphum and polished wall twice with soil. Again, for a good clutch surface with wallpaper, to prevent their peeling in the future.

Preparing glue according to the instructions on a pack. Cut the wallpaper and fold pieces in the correct order. By the way, any type of wallpaper can be glued to the drywall, whether acrylic, phliselin, bamboo or others.

How-to glue-wall-in-corners

We apply glue into a segment, and if necessary - and on the wall. Apply a strip, align it, caught up to the already glued parts. We try to keep the joints of the wallpaper not coincided with the seams of drywall. With the help of a rubber roller, a plastic spatula or an ordinary rag, you drive out the air from under the strip, moving from the center of the segment to its edges. Do not forget that to maximize joints, start glue the wallpaper from the window.

When all the walls are saved, the room must be closed for a day to give glue to dry. At the same time, it is necessary to prevent the appearance of drafts, otherwise the wallpaper can fall behind the drywall.

As you can see, sticking wallpaper on plasterboard is a completely saturated task for non-professional. If you pay enough attention to the preparation of the base, that is, the processing of plasterboard, then the repair will definitely succeed!

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