How to glue wallpaper in the corners

How to glue wallpaper in the corners

The angles are not always perfectly smooth, so do not try to glue the whole strip at an angle, because it is unlikely to be glued smoothly. In addition, you need to be prepared and for possible inconsistencies in the picture on the walls. By gluing two wallpapers from different sides of the angle so that you can impose their edges on each other, you will get the best result.

Stick the wallpaper strip in the usual way, combining the pattern (if any) is on the entire length, then slightly seize the wallpaper throughout the plane forming the angle. Do not overdo it with the use of the brush, since wallpaper, especially thin, may not make such an abuse and break. However, make sure that all air bubbles and bands have been properly removed from the wallpaper and the bands are well glued to the base.

Scissors perform suns from the upper and lower edge towards the corner. Such actions will allow to align and smooth the wallpaper on any plane. In addition, it will be easier to trim the surplus along the ceiling and plinth. Cut the strip with a vertically constructional knife, leaving 20-30 mm bend around the angle. Cut extra.

The next strip is glued along the vertical markup on the adjacent wall, overlapping the bend around the angle. Try to adjust the drawing on the wallpaper as closely. To fit the pattern, it may be necessary to glue the second strip so that it overlap the first, forming the correct pattern.

Cover the construction knife both layers of wallpaper from the ceiling to the plinth. Remove the extra part of the top layer, then carefully screw the top strip and remove the excess of the lower layer. If there is a need to apply a few drops of glue on the wallpaper, then press them with a brush. Thus, you must have a neat stack of strips. Then do hard on the size of the upper and bottom edge of the wallpaper. If the step is performed correctly, the mismatch of the pattern will be minimal.


Moving to the inner corner, stick the last, whole wallpaper strip, then measure the distance from the edge of the wallpaper to the angle from above, in the middle and the bottom of the wall. Take the greatest figure of three as the basis and add the appropriate bend allowance, cut the next strip and do not dispose of the residue - it will be useful for you.

Stick the strip of online strip with the last strip and put a bend to the adjacent wall with a brush. Make sure the wallpaper is secure in the corner. The next strip is on the markup, covering the bend of the previous one and ensuring reliable gluing edge. Cut the strip from above and below.

Do not belong to the galantation process in the corners, justifying it by the fact that there will still be furniture. The work should be high quality and delight the eye both during sticking and after drying the glue. Remember what you do this for yourself and it is necessary that the result is just excellent - what if you decide to make a permutation, then your missions will be on your face.

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