How to lay a tile on the floor

How to lay a tile on the floor

Ceramic tile and stone-made tiles can be laid directly on concrete. There is also the possibility of laying on a wooden floor if it is strong enough and able to withstand extra weight. Old flooring before laying a ceramic or stone tile must be removed, but if solid, durable floor has been easily glued with vinyl or cork tiles, they can not be removed, and use the adhesive tile.

Laying ceramic tiles. Install the rails with a markup in the corner of the room, then apply adhesive for the floor to the floor to the floor. Place the first tile in the corner between the rails close to them and pull into the glue. When laying, use remote crossings, rule and building level.

Put the whole tile on top of the last laid tile so that it touches the plinth, and mark where its edge coincides with the edge of the lower tile. Cut the tile on the marked line and put a sliced \u200b\u200bpiece into the gap between the whole tile and plinth.

Apply a grout to fill the seams on the tile. Use the seam formation extension. Wipe the tile with a clean dry cloth.

If you are placing the stone tile, you must enter a somewhat different way. Add a rack to the frame to align the layer of the solution. Apply a thin layer of the mounting mixture and put the first row of tiles using a bar with markup.

Complete the laying of four tile rows, then check how horizontal they are. Put the tile that performs. Remove the part that is laid too low and add a solution to it. Putting the first four rows, rearrange the rail on. Fill the second frame with a solution and scroll it. Continue to lay the tile in the same way from the edge to the edge of the room.

If you use borders from tile - set them at this stage, aligning the tile on the floor already laid on the floor. Then fill the gap with cropped tiles. To fill the seams, use the same mixture from which the laying solution is made - the mixture should be slightly wet. After removing the brush, all surplus and construction trash.

Laying the tile requires experience, and if you do not have such skills yet, be careful and perform the steps under the guidance of a knowledgeable person. If at first the chandelines will not arise, you can safely continue and independently put the tile on large areas. Do not hurry, carefully work and make preliminary calculations. If you are not sure - it is better to re-send several times.

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