  • Mounting
    Repair and construction work that you perform with your own hands are quite difficult, because in such processes there are a lot of various parts and nuances, which one who is engaged in such works.
    29.04.2019 282 0
  • Improvement of the territory
    When the repairs in the room are made from scratch, the threshold becomes the final stage in the process under consideration, but at the same time, it does not play the very last role in this entire act.
    16.12.2018 262 0
  • House, cottage
    In a private house, there is always something to do what is such an endless series of a variety of things that never end.
    28.10.2018 259 0
  • Floor
    If your gender creaks, then either give a house for renting your horror movies or correct this misunderstanding.
    26.06.2018 360 0
  • House, cottage
    One of the modern floor coating technologies is the bulk floor. At first glance, the technology seems incomprehensible and challenging, but it will not really require great efforts at home.
    15.04.2018 465 0
  • Concrete
    One of the most popular and common coatings on the floor is linoleum. It is used in residential, and in public premises, as it is an excellent compliance with the price and quality.
    11.04.2018 363 0
  • Waterproofing, thermal insulation
    The comfort of housing depends not only from successful planning, chic furniture and extravagant interior.
    09.01.2018 327 0
  • House and Gen.
    The beautiful floor gives the room freshness and brings comfort to the overall composition. To the cheapest ways to give the floor "Second Life" is painting.
    07.01.2018 345 0
  • Waterproofing, thermal insulation
    For premises with wooden floors, frequent drafts are characteristic. This is due to the fact that over time, wooden boards breathe and cold air can do without obstacles to the house.
    16.11.2017 397 0
  • House and Gen.
    Today, in the world of construction and repair, there is a huge number of diverse materials for installation and design.
    06.11.2017 358 0
  • Mounting
    When it is necessary to glue the linoleum, then it is necessary to determine the type of glue, which will be involved in the work.
    15.10.2017 383 0
  • Interior
    Among the varieties of floor coverings are the most popular are laminate and linoleum. They are quite accessible and often used to update floor-building floors.
    15.10.2017 403 0
  • Floor
    Floor screed is necessary for several reasons: before arranging the finish coating, when creating a "warm floor" system, when laying insulation materials.
    02.06.2017 413 0
  • Floor
    Frequently, when laying a laminate, there are problems associated with floor irregularities. Practice shows that after a long exploitation of other surfaces, a variety of flaws will not be avoided.
    21.05.2017 425 0
  • Mounting
    The tile is the most common material used for wall cladding and floor. Therefore, most people who want to perform the layout of the tile are wondering how to do it correctly.
    05.03.2017 454 0
  • Floor
    Before reducing the floor covering, it is necessary to level the base qualitatively. Laminate is particularly demanding in this regard, since the drops of more than 2-3 millimeters quickly destroy the locking plate of the plates.
    06.02.2017 423 0
  • Floor
    In most urban apartments and almost all country houses floor wooden. It is usually placed by simple or tanted boards.
    06.02.2017 487 0
  • Waterproofing, thermal insulation
    So sue and comfort reigned at any time of the year in your house, it is necessary to warm it carefully. Along with the roof, windows, and walls, the floors will be taken out of the house about 40% of heat.
    29.01.2017 493 1
  • Finish
    Repair in the bathroom is a difficult task, especially touches tile masonry. Without possessing the necessary knowledge and not familiar with the specifics of the work, it is unlikely to be able to do it perfectly.
    04.11.2016 480 0
  • Mounting
    The exquisite outdoor carpet has long been considered the subject of the highest pride of housing owners and the symbol of their well-being and wealth.
    27.09.2015 806 0
  • Mounting
    Often laminate are confused with another popular flooring - parquet. In fact, these are completely different materials that have certain advantages and disadvantages.
    19.09.2015 923 0
  • Mounting
    Linoleum is the most popular outdoor coating for the kitchen. When choosing a suitable option, people often face difficulties, since a wide variety of species and colors literally confuses.
    18.09.2015 757 0
  • Mounting
    Linoleum is the most popular flooring and is appropriate in almost every room. In addition to affordable and strength, the material is endowed with excellent noise protection and thermal insulation characteristics.
    15.09.2015 915 0
  • Mounting
    A qualitatively made warm floor creates a winter cozy atmosphere in the apartment. In order not to have problems with the heating system, it is necessary to adhere to the warm-alone installation technology, starting with the pouring of the screed.
    15.09.2015 876 0
  • Mounting
    PVC tile is a universal coating that attracts buyers with their numerous advantages and a wide variety of design solutions.
    14.09.2015 801 0
  • Mounting
    It is important for the choice of materials to update the old base, it is important to come up as seriously and responsibly, because the floors are stacked at least by year, and even for whole decades.
    14.09.2015 750 0
  • Mounting
    Parquet occupies a large area and creates a special style indoors. The interior will delight the eye if the parquet harmonizes with the surrounding atmosphere.
    14.09.2015 732 0
  • Mounting
    Every square centimeter and free angle appreciates in the urban apartment. Therefore, the desire to turn a cold balcony to the game zone or the office and increase in this way the living area is quite explained.
    22.08.2015 1012 0
  • Mounting
    The presence of cracks, swelling areas, red spots on the balcony stove is a prerequisite to make a screed card as soon as possible.
    22.08.2015 854 0
  • Mounting
    Despite the fact that the shelves of construction stores are singing a different kind of floor coverings, the tree is still in the trend, as well as dozens of years ago.
    22.06.2015 1101 1
  • Mounting
    The tree is a popular material that has since been used as an outdoor coating. And today the wooden floor is considered a sign of prosperity.
    14.06.2015 923 0
  • Mounting
    The alignment of the rough base is a prerequisite for the installation of the floor in the room. Some floor coverings, such as the well-known and revered laminate, do not tolerate even the slightest defects and irregularities present on the base surface.
    11.06.2015 885 0
  • Mounting
    The "warm floor" system is an excellent addition to the main heating. However, its effective work is possible only with the proper cement-sand tie.
    11.06.2015 1149 0
  • Mounting
    You have thought of glazing your balcony and make repairs there, for this you will need to prepare work and purchase material.
    06.06.2015 859 0
  • Mounting
    When choosing a suitable floor to a balcony, many factors should be taken into account: an open or closed balcony, the planned budget for repair work, the purpose of the surface.
    04.06.2015 1020 0
  • Mounting
    Creating high-strength and durable coatings using self-leveling bulk mixtures requires compliance with the technology of preparing the basis, processes of preparation and laying of the working composition.
    21.05.2015 1090 0
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