How to put in the bathroom tile

How to put in the bathroom tile

Repair in the bathroom is a difficult task, especially touches tile masonry. Without possessing the necessary knowledge and not familiar with the specifics of the work, it is unlikely to be able to do it perfectly. Before starting work, we suggest listening to our advice and learn the main stages of working on laying tiles in the bathroom.

How to put in the bathroom tile - preparation for work and calculation of tiles

First, it is necessary to make measurements of the area of \u200b\u200bthe bathroom, calculate the amount of the required material for operation (tile, adhesive mixture) and prepare walls and floors to laying tiles.

  • For starters, measure the height and length of the surface of the walls and floor in the bathroom. Fold the amount received - it turns out the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, in square meters, which will be facing. From this amount, it is necessary to subtract the area of \u200b\u200bthe door reception and places where there will be no tile, such as a bathroom, washbasin. This data will be enough for consultants of the construction store, where they, according to your measurements, will make calculations of the required amount of tiles.
  • Prepare walls and floors to work - clean them from old tiles or plaster, glue residues or cement. If potholes, cracks, depressions, are formed on the walls - they must be counted and twisted, ideally align the walls, and the floor is a cement screed. For better clutch tiles with glue, the walls of the bathroom need to be treated with primer, preferably several times.

How to put in the bathroom tile - start from the floor

  • It is recommended to put a tile from the floor, starting from the far corner of the room, moving towards the doorway.
  • Apply a spatula diluted glue to the floor to the surface of the floor, slightly pressing it, evenly distributing on the surface.
  • Try not to form emptiness.
  • Spend on the adhesive mixture with a toothed spatula, the grooves that contribute to the best adhesion of glue with tiles are formed.
  • Place the first tile by pressing it to the floor, aligning it with the level horizontally, remove the excess glue.
  • Thus, lay out the rest of the tiles, not forgetting about plastic crosses to create the same gaps. In the event that in size, it is necessary to cut the tile, carefully calculate its measurement.

How to put in the bathroom tile on the walls

  • Getting Sticking a tile on the wall, prepare that it will have to trim the tile here more often, as you have to bypass the tap pipes, connect the angles.
  • To get started, choose a clean wall, moving from a long corner.
  • Put the initial row of tiles to the end of the wall, mark the top horizontal pencil.
  • From how qualitatively, the first row will be laid, the outcome of work depends. Continue to lay the following rows, observing technology.

Stood the seams between the cafenel

The work on masonry tile by pushing the seams between the tiles is completed. You can purchase both the ready-made pasty solution and dry powder, which you need to breed with water according to the instructions. Grout for seams is applied with a small rubber spatula, keep it at an angle of 30 degrees. Cut the spatula with the grout smoothly by the seam, filling it with a mixture, deletely immediately. The dried grout is difficult to remove from the tile.

Recommendations for laying tiles in the bathroom

  • Cut the preliminary fitting tile to the wall by laying it in a row, so you will learn the required amount of tile.
  • In order to smoothly lay the initial lower row, use the level and plumb, mark the vertical and horizontal pencil lines.
  • To start tile laying, use the distant angle of the wall, heading for the exit
  • For gaps of the same width between tiles, use the delimiters for the tile - plastic crosses.
  • The glue that came out after leveling the tile, it is necessary to immediately wipe when it dries, it will be more difficult to do it.
  • For aligning tile tiles in relation to each other, you can use a rubber image.
  • Do not dive immediately all the glue for the adhesive of the tile, dive it with parts so that it does not swell.

As you can see, put the bathroom tile is not so difficult, even without the help of builders. The main thing in work is a thorough preparation, a pre-thought-out sequence of work, the presence of the necessary materials and tools, and of course, patience and perseverance.


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