How to put a decorative stone

How to put a decorative stone

Due to the variety of colors, sizes and textures, or decorative stone can be beautifully issued any interior. Especially organic stone looks at the loggia or balcony, in a large cozy lobby, around the fireplace or in the winter garden. The stone is put not only indoors. On the street they can be chopped by the base of the house, place the window openings or corners of the building. The same stone decorate street gazebos, patio, high flower beds. In order for the decorative stone for a long time he pleased the eye, it needs to be properly furnished.

The principle of stacking stone is absolutely the same as the principle of laying ceramic tiles. It is simply glued to the selected surface. But if in the tile it is necessary to strictly control the vertical plane, then in the case of the stone it is not necessary to do this. His rough inhomogeneous surface allows you to visually not see some flaws of verticality. The main thing in styling the stone so that it is reliably grabbed with the surface.

To lay the stone you will need:

  • stone;
  • adhesive composition for gluing stone;
  • primer;
  • brush for primer;
  • small hacksaw metal for cutting stone;
  • a toothed spatula for applying glue;
  • rubber hammer;
  • pencil;
  • ruler.

Clean the surface from the old paint, putty or any other building material. If the plaster on the wall is good, then it is enough to treat it with construction primer. In case there are defects, they will have to be eliminated. You can completely update the plaster layer or make it partial repairs. When the plaster is driving, do not forget to be primed.

Draw on the wall sketch of future styling of stone. Be sure to take away a few horizontal and lines so that in the future the laid out drawing is visually not "slipping" down or not "climbed" up.

Stone start to lay from the bottom of the future stone panel. With the help of a spatula, apply a little adhesive composition on the opposite direction and distribute it over the entire surface. Attach the stone to the wall as close as possible and carefully catch up on it with a construction rubber hammer. The second and all the subsequent stones lay on the wall in the same way. War down so that the seams between the stones are the same. The glue on the stone put so much so that it does not climb out - remove it from the rough surface of the stone will be very difficult. If this happened, the glue is removed immediately with the help of a wet sponge.

On the outer corners around the fireplace or the rectangular column, glit special angular stones that are in each collection of decorative stones.

Wide seams between the decorative stones, make a special grout or a fugue for stone. Do this by applying a large building syringe or dense polyethylene cuckor, which has a cut corner. The grout should only get into the seams, without smearing the outer surface of the stone.

Decorative stone put is much easier than tiles. It does not need to be calibrated, it is easily cut with a thin hacksaw of metal and it can be attached to a cement solution, at least on a special glue, even even on "liquid nails" or transparent silicone.

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