How to make a decorative pond

How to make a decorative pond

To enjoy the loft, make it more comfortable and interesting, it is enough to equip a decorative reservoir on it. Of course, the process of building a pond will require certain financial costs and physical efforts, but you will have your own piece of water element.

The location of the decorative pond. Start the construction of an artificial reservoir from determining the place of its arrangement. To create a pond perfectly fit outdoor and moderately lit. It is important that the straight rays of the Sun warmed it not more than 6-8 hours a day, otherwise intensive reproduction of algae begins in standing water, and the picturesque homemade lake turns into a malicious swamp. Of course, a pond in the frame of tall plantations is very impressive. However, consider that the close proximity of the reservoir to shrubs and trees will cause it to be clogged at the time of the autumn leaf fall. In addition, the roots of large rods can damage the bed of your pond, breaking the waterproofing flooring.


Drain pit. On the plot relying under the water, it is necessary to mark up. To do this, around the perimeter of the future pond, dry lime either with light sand indicate the borders of the shores. Further on the planned line, pegs are installed, a durable cord is stretched between them. After that, they start digging the pit. Consider that the recess under the man-made reservoir should be a longstone: the deepest place will be located in the center, the coastal zone should be in bed. In the process of digging, the pit is released from encountered stones, roots and boring.

An important nuance! The technique of digging care directly depends on the type and features of the soil on the plot. So, on the chernozem and clay soil the wall of the deepening make vertical, on sandy - slightly inclined, gentle.

Pond Kotlovan

Waterproofing pond. The bottom of the prepared pit is lined with clay, on top of her river sand fall asleep. The buffer sand pillow is carefully sealing and coated with geotextiles, fliseline or rubberoid. After such preparatory work, waterproofing material can be laid. For waterproofing of the artificial reservoir, it is better not to use the usual polyethylene, and PVC or butyl rubber film. These rolled materials are durable, resistant to ultraviolet and temperature drops, in addition, they have a plastic structure, so easily take the right form. For reliable fastening of waterproofing around the perimeter of the pond dig a narrow trench.

Pond Film

Filling the pond with water. Upon completion of the laying, the film is neatly straightened and in several places pressed large smooth cobblestone stones. The boiler is gradually filled with water with the help of the hose, while the water pressure must be minimal. When the reservoir is completely filled, the free ends of the film are filled into the trench and fixed with nails, then the groove cavity is covered with gravel or soil.

Pond filling water

Registration of artificial reservoir. The final stage of construction is the decoration of the reservoir. Natural / artificial stones, pebbles, clinker or ceramic tiles are used for framing a pond. In the balance of the ecosystem of any reservoir, a separate role is assigned to plants - ground and underwater, so it is necessary to select them especially carefully:

  • Around the man-made lake can land tall perennials - host, swamp iris, anstic or roger.
  • Between the edging stones, the moisture-loving luggage, forget-me-not, and obstacles are perfect.
  • To decorate the coastal zone, the so-called swamp, the gravel, swimsuit, Tollga, Plokun and Kaluzhnitsa are ideal.
  • In the shallow water, the reed, reed, AIR and SSOCA feel perfectly.
  • In the features of the deep-sea zone, plants are planted floating on the surface or in the thickness of water - the pita-nymphy, elephant and grains.
  • To avoid water flowering, the pond is planted with a rich, swamp, dwarf water lisms or water hyacinth - these plant-oxygenator plants will not only decorate your reservoir, but also be saturated with oxygen.

On a note! Water plants are planted into separate containers or ordinary flower pots filled with a special landing substrate.

Pond plant landing

In the future, artificial reservoirs does not require special care - to maintain purity, it is enough to regularly use a submersible pump with a fixed filter or bottom vacuum cleaner. In the fall along the perimeter of the man-made lake, it is desirable to pull a finelystic plastic mesh for fishing of fallen foliage.

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