How to make drainage on the plot

How to make drainage on the plot

One of the main issues in the improvement of the country house, the dacha, the preservation site is drainage. The soil consisting mainly of clay, Suglinka, moistened in the autumn-spring period, and in winter, during the hardening of moisture, it is exhausted, which leads to the destruction of the tracks, the appearance of cracks on the foundation, deformations of the whole building. Consider how to properly perform drainage of the land plot with your own hands.

With the help of a laser rangefinder and a level, determine the relief of the site. If you do not know how to use them or do not know where to get them, sketch the water movement scheme after the rain. The drying system is applied at the following cases:

  • groundwater, which are close to the surface of the Earth, irrigate the buildings;
  • the plot is in the recess, and all the water flows down after the rain;
  • the plot is located on the slope, and the moisture passes through the house zone;
  • the ground is clay, so water does not absorb and puddles are formed.

The simplest drainage type is open. It is carried out as follows: along the perimeter of the area or along the water movement lines, a trench of a depth is no more than a meter and a width of 0.5-0.7 meters. Walls should be under a slope - about 30 degrees. All channels of the canvas are summarized to one place where the well or water reservation is installed. If the watercourses are outputting outside the site, the ditches are directed in such a way that the water goes into the shared channel. So that the Earth did not gradually collapse, the walls, replacing the bottom or sort out the stone.

Concretion is not needed if you install linear trays that are closed with lattices to protect against garbage. To establish trays, the soil is not so deep - about 0.5 cm. The gravel falls asleep on the bottom and trays are put on it.

The point drainage is performed for removal of water that flows down the roof, drain. Through the pipes rain, melt water falls into the well or in a line of general drainage. The upper part is closed with a grid.

When using a falling drainage, also on the lines of water movement dig a trench. The bottom of the pit is half fill in large rubble, broken bricks. On top of this layer, we fall asleep gravel, rubbank. Then everyone is closing the earth.

For closed or deep drainage, polyvinyl chloride or perforated pipes with a diameter of 11 cm for the main line and 7 cm for adjacent channels are needed. Shoot the trenches with a depth of 1.8-2 m in those places where the pipes will be installed. At the bottom of the geotextile along the entire length of the channels. The width of the material should be at least 70 cm. On geotextile we pause pipes and connect them with the help of crosses and tees. The end of the pipe is deposited into the well.

Pipes fall asleep with small rubble, gravel at a height of 30 cm. Geotextile film Vangestin close the pipe with gravel. Then the whole system we fall asleep soil.

In several places, it is imperative at the beginning, the end and on each turn of the pipe of the drainage system are installed. Once every 5 years spend washing with water under pressure.

With a properly equipped drainage system in a year, favorable conditions are established on the site. And you do not have to walk on dirt, and all plants in the garden will go into growth.

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