How to make a well in the country

How to make a well in the country

The problem of water is worried about almost every owner of the country area. There are cases where the water supply is not possible, or the site itself is in an uncomfortable place. In this time, the unique solution of the problem is the well. But how to build it personally - not everyone knows. And it is necessary. After all, this process, in addition to the main stages of work, has a lot of fundamentally important nuances.

Before proceeding to the most difficult, it is worth identifying a more or less suitable place for the well, that is, to find aquifer and its depth. For this you can drill a test well. But since such a process is quite expensive in financial plan, you can choose another alternative method. Consulted with the local population, you will receive a characteristic of water quality in a particular place, a description of underground rocks, etc.


Before creating a well, make sure that all important rules are observed. Mine must be not closer than 30 meters from the cattleship, bath or drain pit. It is also important to locate the well away from the slopes, water bodies or beams. It would be useful to learn about the types of groundwater. For example, the ridder is located at minor depths and has, to put it mildly, not the best qualities. Groundwater - at sufficient depth and is great for use for any purpose. Artesian - is saturated with minerals, ideal for drinking and cooking, is located very deeply, has a constant composition.

The groundwater

When the place is chosen, you can start the process of construction. The well consists of three important parts: the head board is the construction above the ground level, the mine is a pipe-shaped mine leading to the water layer, the water receiver - the bottom where water accumulates. Direct assignment of the head - prevent freezing and falling out of foreign pollution. Mine can be round, square or hexagon. Its depth and method of strengthening largely depend on the type of soil and the passage of water. As a rule, 6-10 m is enough.

Well can be perfect and imperfect. In the first case, water enters through the receiver, as the well is not fully immersed in the aquifer. In the second, the mine is immersed completely, and water comes through holes in the ring. The water receiver, as a rule, reaches 1 m high. Three layers of rubble (1-1-1.5 m) are immersed for filtering to the bottom, starting with a smaller fraction.


Well made of reinforced concrete rings is the easiest and most common option. Finished rings are acquired at the factory or specialbase. The diameter of them can be different: from 100 to 120 cm. The same applies to the height (from 40 to 90 cm). In this case, the thickness is from 8 to 12 cm. The installation occurs as follows: the first lower ring is lowered along with the bottom. Subsequent put up alone, and the gaps between them are usually poured cement mortar. This method is relevant, if the depth of the well fluctuates the future within 6 m if the depth is greater than the estimated -. Use a monolithic block.

Well made of brick or stone requires selection of high-quality materials. For such embodiments digging shaft 1 m in diameter with a wall thickness of 1.5 to 1 or bricks, depending on the depth. If the ground is moving, it is extremely important to make the promotion of iron bars. The concrete ring with a knife along the perimeter lowered onto the bottom of the shaft. Next, collect frame and lower it into the pit. Masonry performed on the frame using a particular waterglass solution to improve tightness. When using the stone is necessary to select the material more or less the same dimensions. Laying occurs in a checkerboard strengthening wire. Walls inside the trimmed and plaster.

stone Quantity

For wooden wells, log houses from alder, oak, aspen. They are performed in square form, with the width of the walls in 1 m. It is customary to use the material with a diameter of 150 mm and a length of 2 m. The logs are better to immediately buy marked, as the preparation of ordinary occupies a very long period. Wooden design is taken to collect on top, and after - to lower in the mine. An important point is the distance between the walls of the structure and the soil. It should be at least 4 cm.

Wooden Col.

Here, in fact, the shames are listed that it is worth remembering when building a well. But it should also be taken into account: the groundwater though undergo natural cleaning, an hour from the o'clock the well still needs additional cleaning.

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