Before many dacha owners is a problem where to take water. Well, if there is a reservoir nearby. Watering vegetables and fruits is provided. And if not? You have to independently decide the question. Here is the landlord of the site and acts the old proven way, namely digs the well. At first glance, this is a complex process. Do not lose, observing all the recommendations of specialists, you will make a well with your own hands for a short time.
First find out if there are groundwater on the territory, what are their depth and whether they are suitable for use. You can find information from familiar who have a well nearby. Ask water from them, contact SanEpids, make an analysis. If there is no such possibility, it will help geological exploration. Why is it needed? To determine a number of factors:- At what depth is aquifer. It is clear if the water is below 15 meters, then the well will not work out, a well is required.
- Objective assessment of the relief, the soil of the site will help to find out what kind of density of the well to use. If the terrain is stony, then you cannot cope with the work. Immediately invite specialists. In a swampy territory, water will be unsuitable for use, it is used only for household needs.
- Determination of a place for a well. It is impossible to place an object near the sources of pollution (dumps), plum. Its location should not be closer than five meters from the structure. Otherwise, over time, the foundation of the house will suffer due to water exposure.
- We plan a place where the rings will be descended, we make a deepening in their diameter (from 50 centimeters to one meter). Install the first railway ring.
- Next, inside it we drive, the ring under its weight will fall.
- As you move to the first install the second, etc.
- Again, we close the seam with the solution, we fall asleep the bottom of the gravel to filter water.
- Install the well house.
If you listen to the above councils, then dig a well with your own hands without aid specialists. Know before using it requires pumping for purification of water. Do it for 8 hours.