How to insulate a well

How to insulate a well

Works related to the protection of the well from the freezing can be made independently by spending only the acquisition of the necessary materials. Let's look at the need for insulation and variants of its execution.

The need and degree of warming the well depends on several factors:

  • Use in the manufacture of warm material - a wooden log cabin or cold - reinforced concrete rings;
  • Water level - in a deep well (8-10 m) the risk of ice formation is minimal;
  • Soil freezing depth - Water will freeze if it rises above this mark.

Wood structures perfectly retain heat, so such wells are insulated only from above. Based on local climatic features, it may be just a lid or a house, the latter is additionally a good decorative element. Well, if the source material serve wood, but the use of OSP and plywood is fully justified. A frame design is made around the log cabin using insulation.

Conducting more serious events will require a well with reinforced concrete walls. In areas with cold winters and high water level, insulation is carried out on the depth of the soil freezing. As materials holding heat, apply:

  • Polystyrene foam - does not rot, not deformed under the influence of soil;
  • Penoplex - moisture resistant and durable;
  • Isolon - one side is covered with foil, and the other adhesive composition;
  • Polyurethan - creates a monolithic coating, but its spraying occurs with the use of specific equipment;
  • Ceramzit - inexpensive solution, but requires a formwork device.

The process of insulation of the underground part of the reinforced concrete well is performed in the sequence:

  1. There is a trench of the desired depth;
  2. Waterproofing is examined if necessary - restored;
  3. Walls turn into insulation;
  4. Drainage is poured and trambed - rubble thick up to 0.5 m thick;
  5. The rest of the space is falling asleep.

It is very convenient to use the polystyrene rings of the required diameter having the "groove spike" connections. Fastening such a shell is easy, and there is no need to fill the seams by mounting foam.

The next stage is the thermal insulation of the outer part of the well. The optimal solution will be the construction of a wooden log cabin with a hatch and a roof closing from cold, garbage and precipitation. A more affordable option is the superstructure of a board or shield material, a clamzite is covered between its walls and the well, and the top is closed with a sandwich cap (plywood-polystyrene foam plywood).

If the source does not use in winter and water is deeply, then insulated cover placed inside the well. They make it from moisture-resistant plywood and foam, trailers and hang on the ground level. Through a pre-prepared hole insert the ventilation pipe (60-70 mm). The headband is covered with a cap made of sweater materials.

The thermal insulation of the well provides uninterrupted water supply, the preservation of the design and pumping equipment. A simple preservation way is shown on video.

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