How to insulate a brick house from within

How to insulate a brick house from within

Warming a brick house from the inside without obvious reasons, experts do not advise. First, it is less efficient than outdoor insulation. Secondly, high-quality internal insulation "Eat" a lot of useful area. Thirdly, after such a procedure, you will have to carry out additionally internal wall decoration.

However, there are also obvious advantages of internal insulation. This is primarily the lower cost of such a type of insulation, compared with the exterior. In addition, the appearance of the house will not suffer. Sometimes internal insulation is the only thermal insulation option. This happens, for example, in a brick high-rise building.

Before starting the process of insulation of the walls of a brick house, examine the steering ability of the material that is going to use. It should be a heater, which has a paropropusk ability less than a brick. This will contribute to the smaller freezing of the wall masonry due to moisture isolation. In addition, fungus and mold will grow on wet walls under the insulation material. To avoid this, the wall before finishing is a piece and process the special antiseptic. Also, decide what is the reason for the insulation of the house from the inside - year-round accommodation or temporary stay in the offseason. This will determine the selection of insulation.

Penofole is an insulating material that consists of several layers, based on polyethylene and foil foamed. The huge advantage of this insulation is its economy - the entire four-liter layer of foam in thermal insulation abilities is equal to the eight-grantimetime layer of mineral wool. The foamon is attached to the wall in different ways, often just glue or scotch.

Polystyrene foam or foam. The most budget version of the internal insulation of the walls. You can choose a different thickness of the material, depending on which warming is carried out. Installation is pretty simple, the plates can be seen on glue and blew the joints by mounting foam. Top foams are attached profiles and plasterboard. Despite the low cost and simplicity of use, polystyrene foam is quite cumbersome, and this type of thermal insulation will take a lot of free space.

Mineral wool - classic insulation material. Also a rather budget way, however, has a number of minuses - high vapor permeability and the need for additional means of individual protection during installation. In addition, Minvat, like the foam, takes a lot of space. It will take a metal frame for its installation, which is evenly clogged with wool. Plasterboard is mounted on top of it.

Do not forget to insulate the ceiling. This can be done with drywall and foam plaster. In addition, it is possible to use a decorative foam ceiling finish, which also retains heat well.

Warm floor in rooms can be used using a special heating system. Bathroom There is a special tile that saves heat.

Warving walls, ceiling and floor from inside, do not forget about vapor barrier. All insulation fear moisture.

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