How to insulate the basement

How to insulate the basement

Almost every building is equipped with a basement. Recently, such an underground room began to use not only for economic purposes, but also for organizing a garage, saunas, recreation rooms or gym. Despite the fact that the temperature at a certain depth is stable throughout the year, it is very far from ideal. In this regard, the insulation of the basement is the optimal option for creating favorable conditions for the organization of underground space.

The entire process of insulation is made in three main directions: finishing overlaps, floors and walls. Even before the start of work, the walls must be properly prepared: aligned, covered with antiseptic and antifungal impregnation.

The insulation of overlaps is necessary when the difference between the temperature in the house and in the basement is essential. First, close all the existing cracks, joints and gaps. If there are nails, rods, pits, cover them insulation from the basement side. Such measures are necessary in order to overlap the cold bridge created by them. Next, between the ceiling of the basement and the floor of the first floor, put insulating material.

As a rule, the movement of the steam occurs through the floor coatings. To avoid this, take care of worthy vaporizolation. To the heat insulation material on both sides, install a vapor barrier gasket. In this time, the insulation will be perfectly protected from rotting and the occurrence of fungi and mold. To achieve aesthetic species, cover the insulating material with finishing on the side of the basement. Such can play plaster, panels, paints and varnishes.

The insulation of the basement floors will help you protect them from the impact of an increased level of groundwater (currently in a spring period). Align the floor surface, carefully laid waterproofing and thermal insulation material. Unlike insulation for the walls, there are particularly stringent requirements for this. The heat insulation material for floors should have a solid structure and long service life, withstand large weight loads, not to succumb to the influence of the unfavorable medium. Next, the insulation cover another layer of waterproofing and separate the finish coating on top.

The most important and long-lasting stage is the insulation of the basement walls. To achieve this goal, it is better to use foam. Easy, environmentally friendly and inexpensive material in recent years occupies a leading position in the market of thermal insulation materials. First of all, carefully prepare the surface: Clean the wall and align it. Next, stick to the wall of the foam plate or secure them with plastic dowels. Starting from the bottom plane, cover the wall of the adhesive mixture, put the reinforcing grid on it and secure another layer of the adhesive solution. After complete drying of the surface, carefully shoot it, align the special mixture, make a primer. Only then can begin to finish the walls. When the basement arrangement from the inside is completed successfully, proceed to the insulation of the walls outside.

Place the waterproofing layer in the horizontal direction on the outer walls. Next, fasten the insulation (foam) around the perimeter of the building. The lower part of the foam, which hides in the ground, should be covered with mastic. The remaining part is finished with stucco and facing material. Now it is safe to say that the insulation of the basement is completed by all the rules and prerequisites.

Please note: the efforts will not be spent in vain only at the time if you pay attention to the creation of waterproofing. In other cases, the insulation will quickly lose its properties and stop executing direct functions. In order to avoid increasing humidity after insulation, it is worth thinking about the ventilation system, drainage and drainage.

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