  • Improvement of the territory
    For those who are engaged in crop production, it is probably not a secret that an excellent option for the protection of seedlings and its cultivation in general is a high-quality greenhouse.
    17.05.2018 374 0
  • Improvement of the territory
    In addition to aesthetic function, the devices of the scene ensures reliable protection of the foundation from the destructive impact of moisture.
    15.08.2017 435 0
  • Mounting
    Almost every person in life there is a desire to have their own home. Someone for this hires a whole brigade of builders, someone decides to do everything with their own hands.
    20.01.2017 480 0
  • Mounting
    Screw piles are a fairly ancient technology that has been successful in the period of Napoleonic wars and was patented in the early 19th century.
    25.08.2015 1519 0
  • Mounting
    The durability of the whole house depends on the foundation, so it should not save on it. For capital construction, it is best to build a monolithic foundation, as it is the most durable and suitable for use on problem soils.
    10.08.2015 1234 0
  • Mounting
    In the building, warm air moves up and tries to go through the ceiling and attic. It replaces the cold stream rising from the floor.
    05.08.2015 1130 0
  • Mounting
    The pile foundation is popular in private construction, as it can be erected on a weak ground for multi-storey buildings.
    03.08.2015 1502 0
  • Mounting
    The foundation is the basis of home, the durability of the whole construction depends on it. To give the reliability and strength of this design and provide a smaller shrinkage, you should properly equip the pillow under the foundation - a stable and flat area.
    02.08.2015 996 0
  • Mounting
    The basis of any structure is the foundation that must be durable, reliable and stable.
    01.08.2015 973 0
  • Mounting
    Many developers refuse to insulate the foundation. But in vain! After all, high-quality thermal insulation of the base will save about 30-50% of the heating of the house.
    31.07.2015 869 0
  • Mounting
    During operation, the foundation is influenced by different loads. These include the weight of the construction, the movement of the soil.
    31.07.2015 1748 0
  • Mounting
    The most economical and inexpensive foundation that will be the perfect solution for light buildings is columnated.
    30.07.2015 853 0
  • Mounting
    The construction of the house always begins with the foundation. It is one of the main components of the buildings.
    18.04.2015 1020 0
  • Mounting
    Owners of old wooden houses are often faced with the problem of sending the foundation. Disame of doorways, the appearance of cracks, breaks and other deformations are the first signs of the destruction of the supporting structure.
    09.04.2015 1699 0
  • Mounting
    Of all the components of the residential building, the foundation is most quickly destroyed. Especially if this is accompanied by the increased humidity of the Earth, the close arrangement of groundwater or uneven soil density.
    04.04.2015 1602 0
  • Mounting
    The deformation of window and door openings, cracks on the walls and in the corners of the house may indicate the satellite of the foundation.
    30.03.2015 1977 0
  • Mounting
    Despite the small garage dimensions, it must have a reliable and solid foundation. In this article, we will gradually consider how to make a high-quality foundation that can serve automotive dwellings as long as possible.
    29.03.2015 1390 0
  • Mounting
    That the bath turns out not only beautiful, but also durable, it is necessary to create a high-quality foundation with good waterproofing and ventilation.
    28.03.2015 1632 0
  • Mounting
    Strengthening the foundation is an excellent alternative to its complete restructuring. The reason for refinement may be partial destruction of the base, the settlement of the building is more permissible norm, an increase in the load on the walls.
    28.03.2015 1296 0
  • Mounting
    The waterproofing of the foundation is a system of vertical and horizontal protection of the base and walls from moisture, increasing the durability of the house.
    25.03.2015 1131 0
  • Mounting
    The crack in the foundation is not a sentence. You can still correct if it is reasonable to approach the analysis of the nature of the split and the reasons for its education, which will help you choose the method of restoration of the base.
    24.03.2015 2216 0
  • Mounting
    Formwork is a pre-erected framework for the formation of concrete structures. Without it, it is impossible to make a ribbon foundation or a monolithic slab for the entire building.
    11.02.2015 1377 0
  • Mounting
    Modern technologies and materials allow you to reliably strengthen the foundation of the old building. However, before repairing, it should be determined and eliminated all the factors that led to the destruction of the base.
    16.10.2014 2516 0
  • Mounting
    Over time, the foundation of any construction can lose its initial strength and start cracking, crumble or seized.
    05.10.2014 1827 0
  • Mounting
    The reliability and durability of any building directly depends on how qualitatively the foundation is made.
    12.09.2014 1190 0
  • Mounting
    To make a private house cozy and warmer in winter cold, sheathing walls, roof, do not forget about the foundation.
    12.09.2014 1281 0
  • Mounting
    The assembly underlying the foundation affects not only its quality and integrity, but also largely determines the strength of the structure as a whole and its resistance to external influences.
    12.09.2014 1685 0
  • Mounting
    When designing a house, along with other calculations, you will have to face the need to calculate the foundation.
    09.09.2014 1207 0
  • Mounting
    The construction of the foundation - the occupation is extremely complex, it is necessary to prepare well to it, everything that thinks and weighing.
    09.09.2014 1652 0
  • Mounting
    The main part of the foundation is its rebel. This is a frame made of metal grids and rods, cooked or twisted with each other.
    27.08.2014 2426 0
  • Mounting
    Part of the foundation erected above the ground level requires protection and finishing. A qualitatively fulfilled reason will extend the life of the entire structure, and the beautiful appearance of such a base will allow the building to fit into the style of the buildings around it.
    01.08.2014 1868 0
  • Construction
    The foundation on screw piles is considered universal and reliable base for an individual house or cottage.
    11.07.2014 3026 0
