How to build a foundation with your own hands

How to build a foundation with your own hands

The construction of the foundation - the occupation is extremely complex, it is necessary to prepare well to it, everything that thinks and weighing. If the walls can be saved, replacing the material to the cheaper, then the savings on the construction of the base can lead to a disaster in the form of complete destruction of the whole house. To avoid this, you need to choose the type of foundation suitable for the soil of your land.

To determine the type of soil, there is a proven year "Dedovsky" method. It consists in the following - after the rain, remove the top layer of the soil to a depth of 15-20 centimeters. Handsflash jump out the opened layer of the soil and firmly squeeze it into the fist. Running the fist, inspect the structure of the Earth. If it falls apart, without leaving traces on the palm of the palm of the palm, which requires the installation of the pile foundation. If the lump of the earth falls apart, but at the same time left the traces on your hand - it is a squeezer for which the tape type of foundation is perfectly suitable with its installation at the corners. If the Earth glued into a dense lump and did not leave traces - it is a loam, for which the usual belt foundation is suitable. If, in addition to the tight lump, you will see dirt on your hand - you have a clay under your feet, which will oblige you to the construction of a flow ribbon foundation of reinforced by reinforcement.

To build the foundation, the following tool and equipment will be required:

  • excavator, in the absence of which conventional shovels and several helpers;
  • big construction level;
  • hammer, nails, electro or chainsaw for the construction of formwork;
  • concrete mixer, to replace all the same helpers with shovels;
  • sand, cement and crushed stone;
  • the cord required for the markup of the construction site.

If you plan to build a foundation from concrete blocks - rent a crane, in this case you can not do without it. The rental of large equipment take care in advance so that there are no problems in the construction process.

The construction of the foundation consists of several steps, the first of which is the markup of the land. For marking, you can use a roulette or cord. During this procedure, remember that the foundation must be flooded under each of the walls of the future at home. There is no exception to this rule.

The next step is digging trenches. The depth of each of them should reach 1.2-1.4 meters. Some believe that for small houses such a depth of superfluous, but adhering to this rule, you will be sure that the foundation will not give a crack and will not see during the spring shifts of the soil. It is better to use an excavator for digging the earth, since it will be very problematic manually to dig a long and deep trench.

When the trenches are ready, take on the construction of the formwork, the main purpose of which is to prevent the absorption of moisture from the ground. The formwork is built from the boards or sheets of thick plywood. If you build a house on clay soil - you can use thick polyethylene. When the formwork is ready, proceed to the preparation of the base under the foundation. To do this, in a trench with a formwork, fall asleep large stones, crushed stone or pieces of concrete. Suitable any material that does not give shrinkage. To strengthen the future base inside the formwork, you can install a grid associated with reinforcement. After all, you can fill the foundation.

Ribbon foundation is recommended to pour at a time. If this condition is observed, the solution will be captured evenly and after hardening will be a monolithic design. If you pour such a foundation for several approaches, the joints of the joint will become zones of increased risk of the formation of through cracks. You can select so much time to build a pile foundation as it is necessary - the difference in time between the slaughtered pile does not matter.

After the fill of the whole foundation, I will confuse it with a building vibrator. In the case of its absence, a bayonet shovel is suitable. Depending on the cost of the weather, the concrete must dry out for 3-5 weeks. If it is very hot on the street, to prevent drying, periodically wipe it using wet rags. This simple procedure will prevent the formation of cracks and chips.

After a month and a half, concrete finally hardens, and you can continue the work on the construction of your house with your own hands. About how to do it right, you can read by going of this link.

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