How to build a fireplace in the house

How to build a fireplace in the house

The warmth of living fire in the fireplace is able to give cozy notes to the very cold winter evening. In this time, the fireplace becomes the heart of the house and creates an atmosphere of peace and peace. The fireplace is quite possible to build with their own hands, using the recommendations of professionals.

The fireplace can be open and closed type. The first version is decorative and unusual, but requires a much larger amount of firewood. At the same time, the heat transfer is rather low. The choice of an open fireplace is justified if it is intended to the greater place to decorate the room than for heating.

A fireplace with a closed firebox is more secure and efficient. This design allows you to adjust the intensity of fire and heat transfer. Combustion products do not enter the room. There is no need to constantly air the room, since the closed fireplace does not absorb oxygen, unlike the open.

To build a fireplace, it is necessary to create a project where the dimensions, the location of the chimney, the fuel, smoke chamber will be described in detail. The chimney should not have bends. To preserve heat and prevent excessive heating of the outer surface of the pipe, a layer of refractory insulation is made. Clear adherence to all proportions will provide maximum thrust necessary for uniform and efficient fuel combustion. If the thrust is insufficient, the risk of carbon monoxide in the room occurs.

The fireplace is installed on a specially reinforced foundation. The walls are made of refractory bricks, pre-moistened for a stronger masonry. An ordinary red brick needs to soak well in water so that he does not pull moisture from the solution and was not deformed.

The smoke collector is installed on the frame of metal guides. It is usually done from copper, brass or facing tiles. This finish serves as an additional decorative element of the fireplace. Place the fireplace is optimal in the center of the house, installing in partitions between the rooms. This will evenly make all adjacent rooms.

Properly designed and stylishly decorated fireplace perfectly fit into the interior of any country house.

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