How to build a small house

How to build a small house

A small private house, suitable for permanent residence, has several advantages over an apartment of a similar pattern. With careful planning, the construction of the house, as a rule, is cheaper than the purchase of an apartment. It is important that in a private house there is an opportunity to increase living space if necessary. And, of course, a huge plus of your own house - the presence of a land plot near it. If there was often a country structure, suitable for summer living only at a small home, then today they are increasingly demanded at home with an area of \u200b\u200bup to 100 m. AKV, equipped with heating, sewage and electricity.

The construction of a small house must begin with the planning of the internal space, the choice of materials and the preparation of the estimate. In a small house with comfort, a family of three can accommodate. Thus, the house should have at least two bedrooms, a kitchen, a living room, a bathroom and various storage rooms. The garage for the car should be located autonomously. As practice shows, the exit device directly from the house of the smell of exhaust gases will inevitably penetrate into indoor rooms even in the presence of doors with reliable insulation. When choosing building materials, it is advisable to dwell on energy saving options. These can be foam and gas blocks, blocks with a non-removable formwork. Thus, it is possible to significantly reduce the cost of home maintenance in the future. After clarifying the planning and selecting materials, it is possible to make a estimate and start directly to construction.

First of all, the foundation of the future at home is laid. For small buildings, a ribbon foundation is most often used, which is a frame from reinforced concrete around the perimeter of the house. The device of such a foundation does not require the use of special equipment. It can be flooded with formwork or collected from finished reinforced concrete blocks. At the same time, it can serve as walls of the basement, if it is planned.

The next stage is the construction of walls. First, it is necessary to carefully align the angles. After laying out the first rows, the laying should be constantly monitored using a construction level. The cement layer between bricks or blocks should not be greater - this will reduce the energy-saving qualities of the future building. After the end of the masonry of the walls of the first floor, it is necessary to give all items to dry well and purchase the necessary strength. Only after that you can start erection of the second floor or the roof device.


It is desirable to cover the roof immediately after the construction of the walls and the drying of the solution. This will protect the construction from the devastating effect of the external environment. Initially, a rafter system of wood is erected, on which a layer of waterproofing is mounted and only after that the external material is stacked. It may be tile, natural or bituminous, as well as metal tile.

Lastly, internal finishing works are manufactured. The ceilings are trimmed with plasterboard, plastering and color. You can use tension ceilings. A layer of plaster is applied to the wall, which is thoroughly aligned. On the prepared walls, you can break the wallpaper or process them with decorative plaster. The choice of decorative materials depends solely on the preferences of the home owners.

Carefully planned and built, taking into account all the nuances and subtleties, the house will delight their owners for many years.

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