How to build a house from the sip panels

How to build a house from the sip panels

The construction industry does not stand still. Thanks to the rapid development, today you can build a large house with minimal costs, that is, at the price of a one-room apartment. And on the terms of living, it does not affect. It will be about Canadian construction technology and the use of heat-insulating sip-panels.

Advantages of sip-panels

This material consists of special OSP-3 plates and a layer, which is represented by self-refining thermal insulating material. The insulation is used foam or polystyrene foam.
The sip-panels are characterized by such advantages:

  • Factory quality. Since the material is manufactured at the factories, it is possible not to doubt its strength and durability exceeding 100 years.
  • Speed \u200b\u200bof construction. The rate of construction of houses from sip-panels will impress any developer. Plates are installed on the principle of simple docking.
  • All-season construction. When the houses are erected, wet technologies are not used, that is, the solutions are not involved, so you can work at any time of the year.
  • Simplified roof design. There is no need to build a rafter system, the internal space increases.
  • Increase living space. The thickness of the panels is small, so the total area of \u200b\u200bthe house does not decrease.
  • Small shrinkage. The house built from sip-panels practically does not give a shrinkage. Cracks are not formed on it.
  • High heat insulation. Due to this, it is possible to significantly reduce the cost of heating buildings.
  • Good sound insulation. Along with high thermal insulation, the sip-panel is perfectly protected from noise from the street.
  • Ready window and doorways. The openings are already present in the sip-panels, so you can immediately begin the installation of doors and double-glazed windows, so that the workflow is accelerated.
  • Diversity of finishing options. As a result of the construction, perfectly smooth walls and angles are obtained, completely ready for finishing, there is no need to pre-align the surface.
  • Ecology. The material is not subjected to rotting, is not a favorable mold medium, it is not of interest for insects and does not distinguish harmful substances.
  • Efficiency. The developer retains its funds, as labor costs are reduced: the structural elements weigh little, therefore there is no need to use powerful lifting mechanisms.

Due to its unique properties of the sip-panel are suitable for the construction of various structures: country cottages, country houses, household buildings and warehouses.

Discharges of sip-panels

Despite all the advantages of the material, it is not devoid of flaws:

  • The sip-panels are not capable of passing water vapor, so the house built with their participation is like a thermos, but the problem is solved by regular ventilations.
  • Since the construction of the house takes no less than a week, and weather changes are possible, drainage holes should be provided in overlaps.
  • Buildings from sip-panels are characterized by low fire resistance, so the question of high-quality installation of wiring and fire alarms should be given the closest attention, and also it is worth installing temperature sensors.
  • In addition, the breakfast around the house erected from the sip-panels should be done wider so that its dimensions reach 1.2-1.4 m, and purify in winter money from snow to prevent the basic of the foundation.

Preparatory work

Before installing SIP panels, use the following instructions:

  1. Before starting to build, it is recommended to make a project. You can do it yourself, adapting a typical project under your requirements.
  2. In addition, at this stage you should prepare the necessary tool, in particular you will have to work with a hacksaw and a screwdriver.
  3. Since the sip panels are light enough, there is no need to equip a heavy foundation. Therefore, the foundation erected on the screw piles is quite combined. The construction of such a structure does not take a lot of time, it will be needed only 2 days. In addition, it is possible to perform work at a negative air temperature.
  4. After that, we turn to the waterproofing work. It will be perfectly handled with this task Ruberoid laid in 2 layers.
  5. Then we are engaged in the styling of the strapping bar on the pile temps. This design will perform the base for the floor.


Floor arrangement

Now you should lay panels that perform the floor function. Put them around the perimeter at home. But it is pre-needed to carry out their waterproofing. To do this, apply on their outdoor side mastic made on the basis of bitumen. To combat the panels, treat each groove with a special composition - one-component polyurethane foam sealant. For additional fixation of the compounds used screws. After collecting overlaps, the sealant is also applied to their ends, and is made by wooden boards.


After performing these actions, we turn to the construction of the house from the sip panels:

  • First, the horizontal framework for the foundation is installed. Work on the creation of the lower strapping of walls should be performed, strictly observing the technology so as not to provoke problems.
  • After installing the bottom strapping, go to the installation of the sip panels. Install the corner panels. Further panels are fastened from the corner in both directions towards another corner.
  • When installing panels should always be used by the construction level in order to prevent deviation from the vertical or horizontally and correct them if such a need arises.
  • After installing the panels, their upper samples cover the sealant, then you can lay the top strapping.
  • Following this we will install inter-storey overlap. Apply in the panel that are used to create it, sealant. Then you need to put them on the ground floor panel. Place around the perimeter.
  • Now we take for the construction of the second floor: the panels are attached in the same way as when attaching the ground floor panels. If there are large spans of rooms, it is recommended to strengthen overlap. For this, the timber is used.

Montage of the roof

Since the panels have sufficient strength and are able to withstand heavy loads, there is no need to build a rafter system. In addition, you do not have to use vaporizolation and waterproofing materials by virtue of the excellent characteristics of the material. When installing the plates, the same principle is used as when the walls are erected. By installing the sip panel, you can lay roofing, choose the material without restrictions.

Finish at home

The walls erected from sip panels possess many advantages compared to brick or block buildings. The surface is flat. And if you have chosen as a finishing material of plasterboard, you can not install the alignment framework. These panels can be attached to any material - lining, siding, house unit, tile, stone, using nails and screws. In addition, the finish can be attached to adhesive mixtures, so you can make wallpaper wallpaper. Parquet, ceramic tile, laminate or linoleum are perfect as an outdoor coating.

As a result, you will have a durable, reliable and durable house without cracks, so there can be no speech about draft and heat leaks.

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Oleg 04/06/2017 at 9:35.

yes cool


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