How to build a house of aerated concrete

How to build a house of aerated concrete

Not so long ago, the material, called aerated concrete or gasoblock, was released on the construction market. The incredible popularity of the gas concrete conquered due to the low price, a small weight, excellent thermal conductivity and soundproof. You can also note the durability and non-aggression of this building material. From gas blocks today build low-rise buildings, household units, garages. Let's build a house of aerated concrete.

No matter how easy it was this material, the foundation for the house should be powerful. The fact is that aerated concrete is very fragile, and the slightest shift of the foundation can lead to the cracking of the walls. The optimal solution will be monolithic concrete plate or tapeAlso monolithic foundation - these two species will provide minimal shrinkage deformations at home.

Specialized tools will be required to work with aerated concrete:

  • ribbon and manual saw - for sawing blocks;
  • rubber hammer - to align blocks;
  • a bucket scraper with a toothed edge, a carriage for adhesive solution, a toothed culma - for applying glue;
  • manual Stroboresis - for cutting grooves for reinforcement;
  • corner - to control the perpendicularity of the angles;
  • grater - for shyling gasoblock;
  • electric and drill - for cutting sticks and holes;
  • bandal mixer - for glue stirring.

The blocks of aerated concrete glued together special adhesive compositions. Bearing walls are made from blocks with a thickness of 375-400 mm, interior - not less than 250mm. From blocks of 100 mm thick, only decorative walls or niches can be folded.

Before laying the first row to the foundation necessarily stacked waterproofing from Ruberoidwhich is attached with mastic for rubberoid. The gasoblock glue is applied to the rubberoid and gas blocks themselves are stacked on it.

The most important point in the construction of a house of aerated concrete is the first row laying. Each block is aligned along the horizontal and vertical level. All others are also desirable to control the construction level, but you can do it through one or two rows. The laying of gas-blocks should be started from the angle of the building, while the blocks in each subsequent row should be shifted relative to the previous 10-15 cm.

Printed gas blocks must be reinforced Metal reinforcement, especially for the corners. They are recommended to be reinforced through each row, and the remaining surfaces - in two or three. In addition to metal, special grids are used to reinforce the walls, which are cut into the size of the gas block width and are glued with the same glue.

Wall laying from aerated concrete blocks 7

Overlapping in a house of aerated concrete is also made from reinforced fuel-concrete slabs, but if the distance between the walls does not exceed 6 meters. If in some room at home the walls lag behind each other by more than six meters, then concrete crowded plates apply. And those and others should rely on wooden beams, which in turn are put on reinforced Ring Belt of Heavy Concrete. Such a belt is mounted on top of aerated concrete walls.

The roof in the house of aerated concrete is done in the same way as in the usual brick - on rafters. The only prerequisite is a reinforced monolithic concrete belt, which rafters will rely on.


Aerated concrete - fragile material that requires protection against atmospheric phenomena. Therefore, such a house is placed with decorative bricks, plastering with special construction mixtures or sewn siding.

The construction of any home is very responsible and not always easy. We tried to briefly tell us about the features of the construction of a house of aerated concrete. We hope that our article will help you make a decision - to build such a house on your own or give this thing to the deposit of professional builders. If you decide to build yourself, then look at the video, in which it is described in detail about the construction of a house of aerated concrete.

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