How to build a bath from a bar

How to build a bath from a bar

Most dachensons need their own bath to wash after a labor day, and in her steam room to restore forces. In today's material, we will tell you how from a wooden bar to build such a structure on its plot.

The first thing is to lay the foundation. It is being burned or in the form of a solid tape. In the second case, its width is 20 cm, and the height is 80 cm, of which 20 cm are above the level of soil. After filling the formwork with fittings concrete, the foundation freezes for two weeks.

Then you can build the walls. For the insulation of timber timber from concrete under the lower crown of the wall, the rubberoid is stacked. Doorway begins with the third row of BRUSEV. Over the door are still five of its ranks. Possible slots in the wall can be caught by packles or special construction moss from the store. All the bars of the walls of the wooden bath are processed by an antiseptic.

The roof for the bath is mounted after installing the door box. Its best option is a two-screw line design. The precipitation accumulates less on it, besides, you can additionally get the attic to drying the brooms.

For the installation of roofing on the rafter roof, a doom is stuffed. It is installed on its rubberoid, metal tile, slate or steel galvanized sheets.

In the pariration, the baths are usually put a stove. Under it requires an additional concrete foundation. So that in the steam room there was less garbage from firewood, the furnace furnace is better to arrange with exit to the pre-banner.

We hope that with this short instruction you have formed an idea of \u200b\u200bthe construction of a bath from a wooden bar. Good luck to all!

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