How to build a garden house

How to build a garden house

Garden house will decorate your site and makes a rest more comfortable. For its construction, you should get a standard set of tools. If you are familiar at least with the initial construction technologies, you can easily build a garden lodge with your own hands.

Create a project of the future building. Determine in advance why the construction will be destroyed - for normal pastime or for storing things. If you build a house for housing, you need to more carefully plan the project. You will definitely need a bedroom, kitchen and pantry, decide on your own. For four people, there is enough square in 30 sq.m.

Choose a place. Do not build a house in low places, water will accumulate there. Try to choose to build the highest point of the site. When choosing a place, be sure to take into account the subsequent installation of water supply and communications. Experts recommended the construction on the northern side of the land plot, but not closer to three meters from its border. The area must be solar. Windows and door should be placed on the east side of the construction.

Build a foundation. For a simple house from one floor, it is advisable to use supporting concrete slabs whose thickness is 100 mm. Order the required quantity and size of concrete slabs. Failure sand and set them to a depth of 15 cm, and then align with the help level. After installing the foundation, put a layer of waterproofing on it. Ideal about rubberoid. Install the framework. To do this, put the crown and lags on the support of the foundation. Then install vertical supports from the same material.

Clean how much building materials you need, and purchase them. Foam blocks allow you to very quickly build a structure, but in this case the ideal version will be wood. To create a floor, use thick boards. If you do not know how to properly harvest wood, just order the finished design and collect it according to the drawings. For bonding BRUSEV, use braided. After the layer of the sealing layer on the finished row lay out a new crown. As a seal, use the pass or jute.

Build a roof. The simplest form is a triangular version with two slopes. Install the separation and rafters from the bar. Then make the timing of the timber and place the rubberoid layer. Spend final work on the floor. Boards cover thermal insulation. For vapor and waterproofing, Parchment will fit. For floor covering, use thick linoleum or floorboards. Do not forget to handle the walls with protective compositions!

The construction will look more attractive if from the outside you will have siding or wooden clapboard. Make windows and doors from bar and boards, you can also use old frames. It remains the last stage - beautifully equip the house from the inside. Here you can show your creative abilities and make interior decoration with cozy and unique. If you like country style, use checkered curtains, wooden furniture, clay dishes and dry bouquets.

This construction constructions ends on this. As you could already make sure, build a garden house with your own hands is not so difficult, as it seems. For maximum comfort, you can build a hob or oven-fireplace additionally.

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