How to build a porch with your own hands

How to build a porch with your own hands

The construction of the porch does not require special knowledge, it is only necessary to examine the technology of building the structure and adhere to the sequence of work.

Decide with the size of the porch. The platform is usually made spacious to accommodate less than two people. Entrance doors when opening should not interfere with people on the porch. There is no exact size of the structure, everything solves the taste of the owner, but the proportions of the construction and at home should be observed. The big house looks beautifully with a big porch, and vice versa. Note that the porch should complement the main building, and not ecliphes it.

Select the material should be given, given several factors. It must correspond to the general design of the house. For a stone or brick house, a porch of concrete is suitable or with a stone finish, bricks delivered to the house from the same material, a rude concrete is suitable for a simple cottage house. Wooden house looks good only with a wooden porch. The combined method is often used - the base is made of concrete, the decorative processing is performed to their taste.

Select the configuration of the porch. The most common forms are trapezoidal, rectangular, square. On the base size affects the styles of the porch - open, with a visor or combined with a veranda. The steps are attached from the front side or from the sides of the site.

Simple and reliable is the concrete porch. For the construction of the foundation, with a depth of 1.5 m with a depth of 1.5 m, but above groundwater. Pour a sandy pillow with a thickness of 20-25 cm. Make a grid of ribbed reinforcement, set to the hole and tie it with the foundation at home. Pour the pit with concrete. It is recommended to build a porch simultaneously with the house, but in practice it is often erected or reworked after the main construction. In any case, everything starts with the manufacture of the foundation.

After pouring the concrete, build the porch basement. To do this, you can use a plugged brick.

Perform waterproofing the base. From above and on the sides, placing the walls by rubberoid in 2 layers or cover aquasol. Properly made waterproofing will not allow moisture to be absorbed into the base, which can lead to the destruction of the construction in the frost. For the same reason, do not build next to the porch flower. The moisture from the flower bed can penetrate the base and the foundation and contribute to its destruction.

Make a formwork for steps, it is erected separately for each site. The optimal number of steps is 3-4 pcs. Typical dimensions of the stage - 15 cm high and 30 cm wide. The number of steps depends on the snow cover in winter. In the northern regions of snow in winter, there are many, the base of the house is made high, respectively, the porch above and the steps more. In the southern regions - the construction below, and the number of steps less. After making a formwork under the first step, pour it with concrete. Wait until the solution freezes, and alternately make the rest.

After the draft work of the porch and steps, perform finishing operations. The corners of the steps strengthen with metal corners, horizontal and vertical surfaces can be decorated with outdoor tiles. Condition - Tile should not be slippery.

For the manufacture of the site in front of the door, use a durable material that is easily subject to cosmetic repairs. The height of the threshold near the door is about 5 cm. The side walls of the porch can be separated with artificial stone, porcelain stoneware or other material. For convenience of movement, set the railing, the visor.

To achieve a good result, use ready-made projects of buildings at a professional level, this will reduce the construction time.

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