How to be if you live in an apartment, and there is a cottage outside the city, where to give the workpiece - conservation and vegetables? Excellent, if there is a garage, then in it and you can make a cellar. This will solve all the problems, in the winter on the table there will always be pickled cucumbers and tomatoes, useful fruit juices and compotes. How to make a cellar?
First you need to dug the pit, so if the floor in the garage is concrete, it will have to remove it. Copy cellar, observing all precautions, if the soil is buzzing, then under the walls of the garage we put the supports. When the pit is ready, we make waterproofing. To do this, we use the runneroid, it is desirable to lay it in two layers. And on top, for greater reliability, lay fiberglass.
Now we make the floor. We smell rubble, sand top, trambam. We establish a formwork, on the sand lay the reinforcement. Everything is ready for filling the floor. Concrete mix either buy or cook yourself if there is a concrete mixer. One part of the cement is half a part of the water, let this mixture, then need to add two parts of the sand and four rubble. Now we fill the floor and in one of the distant corners we make a small hole.
A few days later, when the floor of the cellar is dry, you can start building walls. Material can be used different: brick, panels, stone. Masters recommend making brick walls. The thicker the wall, the better. And each row of masonry is paving the reinforcing wire frame.
The ceiling for the cellar in the garage should be very strong, because the car will stand on it. It is best to first put a metal or reinforced concrete beams of overlapping, and on top of them a slab with a cut-out to enter the basement and with a small bias so that condensate is running into a small hole that we did on the floor in the cellar.
Not unimportant is the question of the ventilation of the cellar. So that there were no damp in the cellar, they recommend to make a suppressive ventilation. These are two pipes 10 to 10, placed at different levels and neatly derived above the roof of the garage, it is desirable that they have a valve, then with strong cold it can be closed. In such a ventilated room, vegetables will be perfectly stored, fruits and do not waste long.
Making the cellar in the garage is not so expensive, as time consuming, but if you do everything right, then such a cellar will serve for a lot of years.
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