How to make an extension to a wooden house

How to make an extension to a wooden house

An extension to a wooden house is not much different from the full construction of housing. It is necessary to create a unique project, cost estimates and approve note Decision of completion in the local administration. An illicit structure is fraught with administrative sanctions in the form of a large fine.

Prepare the acknowledged inventory and building material:

  • sand mound;
  • crushed stone, checkout and gravel;
  • rafters;
  • main material;
  • concrete mixer;
  • instruments;
  • roofing overlap.

Drop the pit in accordance with the plan. Note that the foundation must correspond to the main structure by type, composition and depth. The foundation level of NAD earth The future extension must be identical to the main structure. Foundation type according to the original. If House stands on tape Basis - do tapeif on tiled Foundation - Layout tile.

Build formwork do not expose the partitionAnd proceed to the fill of the foundation. To do this, prepare cement mortar, if possible In the concrete mixer, so high quality and faster. Use to prepare a frozen mixture cement, sand and gravel in the ratio of 1: 3: 5. Add water to thick consistency. If you fill the foundation for such a composition in one day, the base will be very durable, waterproof and frost-resistant. Both foundations are driven by reinforcement.

  After Pouring concrete should be alive and give shrinkage, only then can you build a box of future extension. Starting K. stacking Walls, do not forget that they should be equal to the walls of the main building. Perform a bundle on the joints, corners and tighten erected Walls with basic building brackets.

The roof is performed similarly to the main one, you can even disassemble the overlap of the old house and continue to erected an extension. Or as an option, make a flat roof that will lay down to the house. After the completion stage of the facilities, perform an exterior wall decoration. Best if you weosthe The facade of the tree, then the house and an extension will become one whole not only in a practical plan, but also aesthetic.

Before erectioning an extension, agree on all the nuances with a specialist. If you decide to make a bunch of the intended building with the main house, then first perform a geodesic analysis: there is no underground flow, soil looseness, soil sewage.

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