How to attach a balcony on the first floor

How to attach a balcony on the first floor

Most urban residents are looking for a way to increase housing. Relatively recently, the owners of the lower floors have the opportunity to add square meters due to the construction of a larger balcony than the neighbors from above.

First, get the consent of local authorities for construction. His absence threatens a large fine or demolition of the finished balcony. The reason for the ban can be a threat to the safety of high-rise buildings. The positive moment of legalizing - you will be made to make a thoughtful project of the premises, and you will receive a certificate about the composition of the soil under the structure.

Fall the foundation with a cord fixed on the pegs. Lock the thread at the foundation height around the perimeter of the three balcony walls, the fourth will be a wall of the house. Measure the diagonal of the rectangle. Dimensions should not be different.

Calculate the depth of the foundation for construction directories, it depends on the soil, the depth of its freezing and the presence of groundwater. Drop the trench below the freezing area, but above groundwater.

The simplest base for the walls looks like a sandy-gravel pillow. The fill of trenches concrete is more reliable. Best option - Concrete blocks 2400x60x30 cm, which are stacked in the trench. The base part of the foundation (raised above the ground) Make out of the brick. The top of the socle under the slab overlap align in one plane. The width of the flooring under the overlap is at least 14 cm.

Raise the foundation of the extension to the foundation of the house. It is advisable to repeat the style of the design of the high-rise building. Waterproof the base part of the rubberoid and overcoat the conventional reinforced concrete plates. The top of the flooring will serve as a support for the finishing floor of the extension.

For the balcony walls, use bricks, the total thickness of the partition 25 cm. Facade part of the structure lift to the first floor window. For the reliability of the wall, follow the "chain masonry" method, which is stronger than normal. If the side walls are rapped to the roof of the structure, then the balcony should be covered with a standard reinforced concrete plate. For balcony with low walls for the formation of the roof, lumber will be required.

Cover the roof concrete slab on top of the runneroid, check the presence of a slope from the wall for water drain. Clean the material with bitumen mastic. The length of the ruberoid sheet should allow it to glue it to the wall to a height of 100 mm. You can use ondulin (bitumen slate) or bitumen tile. Modern polymers do not crack from the heat, adapt under the irregularities of the roof, moisture-resistant.

If the walls of an extension only to the window, a wooden frame is necessary for the roof arrangement. Top wood cover with roofing material - steel sheet, metal tile, professional flooring. These materials are inexpensive and durable. The roof with a wooden base will warm from the inside mineral wool.

The balcony is made opposite the window, so from this opening should be built the door to exit an extension and a small window. To do this, dismantle the frame and windowsill, disassemble a part of the wall for the doorway. The sizes of the passage must correspond to the dimensions of the door and window boxes. Install the boxes in the openings, close the cream of the mounting foam. Above the decorative planks from above, at the bottom of the thresholds. Note that the door should open in the room.

You can set an extension on the beams attached to the console to the wall of the building. Initially, fasten the metal frame to the wall, make a metal frame to them. Then on the brackets, install the floorboard boards. All cover a straighteard. The strength of the structure depends on the mounting to the wall, because specialists should build such a balcony.

It should be known that when leaving the balcony, part of the land under the extension goes to possession of the owner of the apartment, so numerous coordination is required. In case the balcony is attached on the brackets, the land under it remains in possession of the city, preclusion is not necessary.

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