Screed on the balcony how to make

Screed on the balcony how to make

The presence of cracks, swelling areas, red spots on the balcony stove is a prerequisite to make a screed card as soon as possible. But, in addition, you cannot avoid this procedure if the base insulation is planned, laying the tile or other floor covering or the installation of a warm floor. Regardless of the purpose, there are several ways to create a screed on the balcony.

Preparatory work

Before starting work on the arrangement of the screed, visually appreciate the condition of the balcony plate for cracks and loose areas. Places where the screed holds badly, you need to remove with the help of a hammer. If you had to remove the thick layer, and the fittings were denied, it must be covered with oil paint to avoid risk risk risks. When sealing cracks, their edges expand, and then the space is poured with tiled glue or cement-sandy solution. After repairing the base, it is necessary to remove all the garbage, and then apply primer in 2 layers. There will be 2-3 hours to dry out the first layer. If large dampness is noted on the balcony, it is recommended to use waterproofing mastic. After preparation, leave the reason to dry at about 8 hours, as it should be dry.

Dry screed on the balcony

Consider step by step instructions for creating a dry screed, which will take only 1 day:

  • Place the waterproofing material for the prepared foundation, for example, film, with flooring on the walls, fixing the edges of the self-adhesive film.
  • At the next stage, the level is set to which the screed will reach. To do this, the profile for drywall is perfect. On the perimeter of the room, it is necessary to glue the edge ribbon.
  • From above on the base, place the heat insulating material or backfilling of the KNAUF. If you do not have the opportunity, you can use even ordinary sand, but be prepared for the freezing of such a floor.
  • Taking advantage of the rule, align the surface. If in some places, seeding and the material is not enough, spread it.
  • Top to put two layers consisting of GVL sheets. We need to lay the material with a displacement, additionally fixing the joints with PVA and screws.
  • Then you can retain the selected floor covering.

Cement-sand screed

For the restoration of the old plate and give it additional strength, it is customary to equip the cement-sand tie:

  1. The work begins with the installation of waterproofing material with an adhesive along the edges of 10 cm, which is trimmed after filling the screed. When using mastic, the need for waterproofing disappears.
  2. From above, you need to place a reinforcement grid, the cell size is 10 per 10 cm. It is better to abandon the use of metal rods to prevent increase load on the stove.
  3. Place the beacons to the level that does not exceed 5 cm. Ideally - by 3-3.5 cm. Remember that the screed is thinner 2 cm cracks. Between the beacons, withstand a step that is half the meter.
  4. For the manufacture of the solution, cement (1 bucket), sand (3-4 buckets) are used. In addition, you can buy a ready-made mixture for a screed, which contains special additives that increase elasticity and frost resistance.
  5. Next, you can already pour the screed, stretching it in one direction and moving towards the door.
  6. After you need, delete all the influx of the rule with the sharp end.
  7. Leave the screed for a week so that it scrolls the strength.
  8. The tile is laid directly on the cement-sand tie, projected to previously. When installing laminate, the base must be aligned with a leveling mixture or tiled glue.

Note. Work on the creation of a cement-sand screed on the balcony cannot be carried out at low temperatures, since there is a risk of loss of strength solution.

Screed with foam

When arranging a similar screed, in addition to the main goal, it will additionally turn out to insulate the base. The foam can only be laid on the perfectly level base, the insulation is the waterproofing and reinforcement grid. All layers are poured by cement-sandy solution, the thickness of which should be 4-5 centimeters. If desired, the foam can be replaced by the penplex.


Screed with ceramzit

Choosing to the screed on the balcony clayzit, consider that its structure is porous, and it is inherent in the property to float under the influence of water:

  • The very first layer is a waterproofing film.
  • Then it is necessary to put lighthouses for which clamzit will be filled. At the same time, consider that after the backfill there will still be a layer of a solution with a thickness of 3 cm.
  • Setting the clamzit, paint it with cement milk so that the material grip occurred. So it will not pop up in the process of filling the solution.
  • When the surface is driving, make a cement screed.

Thus, the floor screed has its own characteristics, depending on the room where you will be equipped.

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