Not in all cases for filling the screed use exclusively cement and sand. Often, it is often necessary to include various additives, for example, clay granules, if the desired thickness must be more than standard 10-15 millimeters, or it is necessary to align the floor. This occupation is not easy, so we strongly recommend to examine our instructions, how to pour the floor with a clayman, and only then start working.
To begin with, it will not hurt to find out when it is advisable to equip the screed with a clay:- The first case is the need to raise the floor level for considerable height. At the same time, the strength of the surface will be higher than when using the traditional tandem cement sand.
- In rooms with a critical temperature regime, since the clamping chatting demonstrates excellent resistance to high temperatures and frost.
- If the base has sharp drops in height. In this situation, ordinary leveling mixtures will not be able to cope with the task.
- To reduce weight screed. The reserve plate stoves are limited, especially the wooden slab overlap. Therefore, it is necessary to ease the weight of the structure - the basis is simply not designed to create a thick screed using aligning mixture alone. Thus, it is customary to introduce additives in it, which the insulation protrudes is a ceramzite and even foam.
- When the budget is limited and you need to save on cement.
- Prepare a building level and marker.
- Next, at what level the finishing floor will be located. Usually this feature coincides with the bottom edge of the door frame. Therefore, the marks should be located near the doorway, further with the help of the cord, mark the entire room.
- To schedule a screed, from the already drawn line back down at the floor thickness distance. Take the rope and, as in the previous case, mark the room.
- Pulling the granules with a uniform layer, starting from the site where the screed should have a maximum thickness, moving around the room. Failure should not reach the lower edge of the lighthouse at least a couple of centimeters.
- So that the ceramzite grabbed to the desired state, its layer is to shed cement "milk" prepared from water and cement. At the same time, water takes 3 times more than the proportions for a regular screed. Film, which will appear later, will become a barrier for moisture, so that it does not absorb the mixture during the fill in the ceramzit.
- After the "milk" coverage of the whole area will have to wait a day so that the mixture managed to harden.
- The screed is poured 24 hours later. Start working from the wall, which is the opposite door. Then it is stretched to the sides. At the same time use the rule that has a trapezoid form.
- Make sure that beacons did not look out from under the layer.
- When they felt the whole room, leave the screed to dry it. By time, this is at least 1 week, and better - 2-3.
- At the same time it is recommended to spray the floor with water every day so that the screed has gained greater strength. In addition, it will grab faster.
- Prepare the mixture for the first layer with the addition of crumbs of clay. To do this, type water into the container, pour the granules there and mix thoroughly. Remember that moisture should absorb them.
- Press the sand and cement in the container, mixing the solution using a construction mixer.
- Lay out the resulting solution on the pre-prepared floor surface, the tampering and moving the trowel.
- The need to use cement milk disappears.
- Choose any width of the first layer for the convenience of fill the finish layer.
- Then it is necessary to arm a rule and pull the mixture several times to eliminate the puddle and bubbles. If you do not even delete small puddle, after their drying, there will be holes that are eliminated only when the floor is repeated.
- When preparing a screed for the finish layer, it is recommended to use a special fluid, which performs the functions of the plasticizer and does not give the surface to crack.
- If the budget is limited, and you do not intend to spend extra money, then pour the screed without a plasticizer. In this case, the floor must constantly moisten, but neatly so that the cracks are not formed.
Thus, the fill of the screed with insulation - clay granules - is a long and labor-intensive process. But familiarized with all the subtleties and nuances of the work, it will be possible to equip the floor who will serve you not one decade.