How to make a dry tie

How to make a dry tie

Dry screed is one of the simplest and cheapest floor alignment methods. The principle of operation lies in laying on the surface of the granular swelling and covering sheet material. The advantages of a dry screed: excellent sound and thermal insulation, the possibility of holding all stages on their own without attracting specialists, no need to wait until the screed is dry, minimum dirt, facilitates the gasket of communications, cables, light weight.

We dismantle the old floor, remove the extra garbage, separated elements of the old screed. All cracks, gaps close up with cement mortar. It is not necessary to align in this solution of recess on the floor, the correction of all distortions, irregularities - the task of the dry screed.

We are preparing the necessary tools and materials:

  • polyethylene film or pergamine;
  • ceramizite shallow fraction, sand;
  • roulette, pencil;
  • level;
  • screwdriver;
  • electrolovik;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • putty;
  • putty knife;
  • pVA glue.

On a pre-purified and prepared floor, we settle the polyethylene film. It is needed to create a layer of vapor and moisture insulation, since the formation of condensate, the battery leak will lead to bulking of the bulk material. The strips of the film are placed in a mustache, raise the edge of the walls by about 6-10 cm. The exact height depends on the flatness of the floor and is determined by the level. Instead of a film, a parchment or special steam insulation material can be used.

To improve sound insulation and avoid thermal deformations of the floor, there are no more than 10 mm between the wall and the screed. To do this, around the perimeter of the room laid a sound insulation ribbon from mineral wool or polyethylene.

Without greater experience, it is impossible to align the floor without special devices. To do this, set lighthouses - P-shaped metal profile or wooden slats. Due to its weight, it falls on the surface of the floor exactly and does not shift when the ceramisitis is saturated between the edges.

The main requirement for filling material is homogeneity of the composition. For the base, it will be suitable: clamzit, perlitic or quartz sand. They fireproof, have light weight, give a minimal shrinkage, perfectly keep warm and create a perfectly smooth surface. If clamzit is taken as an embankment, the magnitude of the particles should be 1-5 mm. Due to the difference in the size of the particle evenly, tightly put on the entire surface.

We fall asleep the material and with the help of smooth rails distribute over the entire surface. Focusing on the beacons, align the ceramzite, ranging from the corners of the room and moving to the door. If the thickness of the dry backfill is obtained more than 12 cm, then the floor must be reinforced by another layer of sheet material.

After alignment of the surface of the backfills, we cover the floor with sheet material: waterproof plywood, wood-chipped tipped plates, dry-fiber moisture-resistant sheets or asbestos cement plates. Whatever the flooring is chosen, the laying principle is the same. Work starts from the door not to disturb the smoothness of frighting. Sheets fasten with each other using folded edges. Additionally, they are fixing with screws every 5 cm and squeeze the joints of the joints. If necessary, lay the second layer, which is connected to the first with the help of glue and screws with a step of 30 cm. The plates of the second layer must overlap the seams of the first. Speakers of the insulator near the walls cut off.

The jokes, fasteners, seams are appleed and polished. For floor alignment, we proceed the entire surface with bitumen insulation or primer composition. If the dry screed is performed in the bathroom, then on top of the sheets you need to install a layer of waterproofing.

The floor for further finishing works is ready. But before the start of these actions, let me take a screed of at least a day. During this time, the saturation and sheets will finally be shuffled, the glue will dry.

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