How to lay a tile on the wooden floor

How to lay a tile on the wooden floor

For a long time, Tandem "Tile and Wood" was considered impossible, and the installation of the tile is based on the wood - meaningless ventilation. However, today there are construction schemes that allow you to successfully lay the slab on the wooden floor. Let's consider in more detail how to do it.

First you need to know why wood and tile do not "get along" together. Wood is poorly suitable for use as a base for tile laying, as it is not inclined to store constancy. The warm tree almost does not breathe under the cold water-repellent cafenel. Because of this, it begins to collapse. In addition, wood is capable of expanding, narrowing, to give a shrinkage, its dimensions change due to the effects of moisture and temperature fluctuations. And the tile along with this is too sensitive to the slightest linear movements of neighboring materials. As a result of such imperceptible movements, cracks and chips appear in the monolithic surface, the seams crumble, and the tile is sprung from the base. To eliminate such consequences, perform a number of uncomplicated manipulations. To begin with, remember that at the time of the preparatory work, the wooden building should be at least 2-3 years old, and the intensive shrinkage of the structure should end.

The first method of laying tiles on the wooden floor is to dry the surface alignment and the formation of a draft layer, which is considered relatively stable:

  1. Chipboard, moisture-resistant faeer or other sheet material are used for alignment.
  2. As part of this method, lagows are built on top of the board, laid leaf material, the stealth is another layer of plywood.
  3. To the aligned floorboard, the phaneer is fixed with self-drawers, then surface surfaces along the seams. The joints must be filled with sealant.
  4. Treat the surface with the primer.
  5. Swipe the floor insulation with the help of foam, mineral wool or clay.
  6. Remember that it is not recommended to use veneer pressing products for alignment, and wood waste.
  7. For fastening the tile in this case, instead of a conventional adhesive composition, a polyurethane two-component glue will be needed.
  8. Actions on laying tiles on a wooden surface, properly prepared pre-not differ from the standard installation procedure.
  9. Since the height difference has arisen between the trimmed and injust-free surface, install the thresholds.

Remember that with dry alignment of the floor "eaten" part of the height of the ceiling.

The "wet screed" method is a lightweight screed version, since the bearing abilities of the tree do not allow a full-fledged layer:

  • It is necessary to make a screed of a floating floor cut off from the walls and the underlying base, with a deformation gap. In this case, the tree will move by virtue of its nature, and ceramics - lying motionless and not collapse. On the wooden floor it is accepted to flood a thickness of 3 cm. Reducing the thickness of the fill is not recommended, as it can become unreliable.
  • Disassemble the wooden floor to the bar and examine it. If some component is questioned, it should be replaced with a similar one. If the step between lags is more than half the meter, it is necessary to secure an additional bar to enhance the system. Leave between lags and walls a gap of one centimeter. Treat the entire wooden surface with an antiseptic.
  • At the next stage, it is necessary to make flooring under the fill with the help of old boards, withsting the clearance between them for ventilation, so that it does not have to drill ventilation holes in it.
  • Attach to the boards perpendicular to the quartered moisture-resistant fane, which should have a thickness of at least 12 mm. When installing, the principle of masonry bricks adhere to and use galvanized screws with a step of 20 cm. Between the sheets also leave the gaps.
  • The resulting flooring should be overlapped with waterproofing material - bituminous or paraffin paper, pergamin or polyethylene, withstanding the nailestone. For fastening we take tape. The material should be on the perimeter to enter the walls by 10 cm, in the same place, place the damper tape and put the sleeve on the pipes.
  • To improve the screed, we use a leveled mixture or made with your own hands the composition. In the latter case, take a suitable and washed sand of a large fraction (2 parts), liquid glass (2 parts) and water (1 part).
  • After the flooded layer is frozen, the tile can be laid.

The express version of the preparation of the wooden floor to the installation of the tile is to use the sheets of moisture-resistant drywall, which is attached to the adhesive floor by two-component polyurethane glue:

  1. If there is a need to repair a wooden surface, replace the wear elements.
  2. The base of the plasterboard is accepted also on the principle of floating gender, leaving the technological gap around the perimeter. To increase the stiffness of the surface, you can lay 2 layers of the material, while the seams of the series should not coincide.
  3. The joints that were formed between the plates, fill in the sealant, the surface to be stuck.
  4. Temperature seam is also filled with sealant, but after installing ceramic tiles. The plinth is attached from above.

Thus, the quality of installation of ceramic tiles and the long period of its operation depends on the properly prepared base. And even if you decide to put the tile on the wooden floor, it will become a decent basis under the condition of competent surface preparation, the main requirement for what remains freedom of the movements of the wooden floor without the destruction of the tile finish.

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