How to lay a tile on the walls

How to lay a tile on the walls

Today, as a hundred years ago, the tile is the most relevant building material for the design of the walls. Strength, wear resistance, an impressive assortment of forms, quality, sizes, colors and patterns that year inclined the choice of consumers in favor of the tile wall and floor decoration. Despite, it would seem fragile material, to independently put the wall tile will not be completely difficult.

Adjust the necessary tools and materials in advance:

  • tile;
  • mounting mixture;
  • marking crosses;
  • a standard set of tools, among which the toothed spatula must be present.


Getting Started, in advance Make a visual plan for household appliances, plumbing (if the bathroom has not yet been established). Choosing a tile for walls, pay attention to a special mark that demonstrates the scope of construction material. The calculation of the patterns is necessary schematically to portray on a paper sketch and follow the planned formulation.

By addressing the actions described above, it is necessary to prepare a plane for further work. If you plan to mount the tile on the patch wall, follow sufficient surface rigidity, because the tile does not fall on the smooth base and will not provide a reliable clutch. In case of inconsistencies, the smooth surface, forming the necessary roughness. Plasterboard structures should be pre-strengthened and remember that drywall must necessarily have moisture-resistant properties.

After preparatory stages, clean the surface from dust, garbage, degrease and open the primer. After complete drying, the base can be started directly to laying.

Apply a solution of the mounting mixture to the surface, but do it in stages, not allowing the glue layer to dry. Start laying the tile and pass after the first row, install special marking crosses, the perfect size of which varies in the order of 1.5-2 mm. Place auxiliary crosses on vertical and horizontal circuits. Using the building level, you can definitely distribute the markup and, as a result, perform the appropriate level layout.

Begin to lay the laying of the tile from the bottom up, starting from the second row, in order, then in case of inconsistencies, it was possible to cut or correct the row. Do not forget that great importance must be given to the definition of the angle of layout. If the direction is provided for the inner corner, then start working from the outer edge. If you have not yet finally decided, then move from the center.

Do not hurry and do not take thoughtless actions. Tile is not a wallpaper where you can remove the band and replace to the new one. The slightest inconsisiency will result in a new fiber, time loss and a little disappointment.




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