How to make a thicket apron

How to make a thicket apron

Part of the wall in the kitchen, located between the suspended cabinets and the worktop, is always exposed to strong contamination. This is the main cause of the selection of tiles as a finishing material. Knowing the order of work, the kitchen apron is not so difficult to make on its own.

To improve the working area, the tools will be required:

  • Slab;
  • Bulgarian;
  • Drill perforator;
  • Spatulas gear and rubber;
  • Level, square, roulette;
  • Tara for the stirring of the solution.

In addition to the tile itself, you must purchase an adhesive mixture, for example, Ceresit CM or "Plovetonite". The seams of seams are made by the water-repellent grout type "Atlas", Kesto, Weber, you can buy white or choose another suitable color.

The work begins with the preparation: the old finish is removed, the surface is aligned and fastened with primer. When the wall is in poor condition (requires plastering), it is easier to perform a frame of plasterboard.

We are determined with the location of the sockets, place, by mounting the submersions and supply the hidden wiring. At the height of the first row, strictly horizontally, set the initial bar designed to support the tile to dry the glue and facilitate the alignment of the seams.

According to the manufacturer's recommendations, a small amount of glue is divorced. The mixture is applied with a toothed spatula on the tile, as well as on the wall, if its surface is too coarse, requiring alignment by different solutions thickness. Plan the order of laying the tile, it is necessary so that its cut slices are placed in low-rise places.

Withstanding the interval 10-20 minutes after each row (for setting), lay out the entire plane, the excess glue is immediately removed. For the receipt of uniform seams, crosses are used, drawn in 5-6 hours or the next day. Near the sockets and in the corners, the tile is cut off with a tile circuit or a grinder, the holes are drilled by winners.

The seams close up with a grout, pressing the mixture with a rubber spatula, waiting for cement grasp (30-40 minutes), after which the tile is neatly wiping with a cloth or sponge. After a couple of days, the apron can be laundered with warm water and powder.

In the technology of laying mosaic tiles there are its subtleties shown in the video:

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