How to make a mosaic with your own hands

How to make a mosaic with your own hands

Want to make something new to your interior, but doubt the choice? One of the options for decor in the house are products from mosaic. As a rule, prices for such a luxury are very high. But do not despair, you can always make a mosaic with your own hands! Moreover, any connoisseur of art will face a beautiful thing handmade. Let's look at the procedure for its manufacture.

Mystery of owning mosaic - very "thin" job. To do this, you need pristentness, patience and reserve of time. Perhaps the first time the desired result will not work, but regular workouts will show the "highest pilot". Before starting work, think carefully what product you want, its color gamut and the composition of the material. Do not limit the flight of your fantasies, because the mosaic can connect several types of material, various patterns and pictures. Therefore, make a sketch on paper or use any like-like drawing.

To work with a mosaic, you can not do without:

  • Drawing with which you will work;
  • Plexiglas or glass basics, tiles and other material for your taste;
  • Glass of different colors;
  • Bandsacks and glass cutters;
  • Grouts for tiles;
  • Silicone (transparent);
  • Syringe (medical);
  • Fomaaster, glue or "liquid nails" (for working with tiles).

If all the materials and tools you have, you can safely start work!

Let's start with a glass mosaic - one of the most common types of skill. Using the marker, apply the desired pattern or pattern on the glass foundation. Transfer the picture slowly and slowly. Using glass cutter, ride the material clearly on the borders of the picture. Fold the details in the desired order for the basis for making a mosaic. For each piece, apply a small amount of silicone and attach them to the base. Lay out the figures not close to each other, but with a small distance. Do not worry, it will be treated in the future with the help of grout and acquire a beautiful view. As a rule, the patterns of stained glass are first folded, then the matte background of white or beige color is filled. Give the product well dry.

The next step is to process the product. Pre-split the tiled grout so that its consistency reminds thick sour cream. To work, be sure to use gloves, since the materials aggressively affect the skin of the hands. Apply it on the wallpaper, evenly distribute - and suture the seams of the product. Carefully process all the gaps and give a mosaic a little "relax". Then, with the help of a wet sponge, wipe all unnecessary. Now your mosaic is ready, you can start decorating the interior.

It often happens that after repair remains unnecessary pieces of tiles. But you should not throw them out, because with the help of ceramics you can make a beautiful panel. The manufacture of such patterns is similar to a glass mosaic, but has some features. To start the hammer to break the tile on pieces of arbitrary size. Make the desired sketch on the cardboard, while it is important to fulfill it in full. Pick up pieces of different diameters and colors, transfer them to the base. Then the product is fixed in the place where you plan to arrange it with the help of "liquid nails". Do not forget to leave the gaps between pieces of your panel. After the glue is driving, proceed to the stamps of the seams. While you need to use a rubber spatula. All unnecessary remove with a wet sponge. Your decoration is ready!

Mosaic can be uploaded not only as a finished product as a decor, but also to decorate your favorite things with it. For example, you can originally decorate a worktop, photo frame or souvenir products. If you are preparing a panel for a gift, such a surprise will definitely remember for a long time!

As you can see, make a mosaic with your own hands. But for this you need a serious approach, plus your desire and originality. If such a "set" is ready, you can safely start creating!

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