How to make smoking with your own hands

How to make smoking with your own hands

Products prepared independently, are always high quality and tastier those present on store counters. Such an approval also applies to smoked meters: Today's their manufacturers often replace the natural process of heat treatment using chemicals. Therefore, appreciate your health, we will tell you in this article on how to make your own scoligin of bricks.

Externally, it will resemble a miniature Russian oven. Its wooden door is covered to protect the clay layer, and on top of it - sheet gland to avoid squeezing of the material. In another execution of a brick smokehouse for her, instead of the door, you can make an upper cover from the board or sheet metal. It will be removed to provide access to the lattice and product.

So, first we prepare a monolithic foundation for the smokehouse. To do this, you will need a standard set of materials: formwork, cement, sand, crushed stone, water.

After the concrete foundation is frozen, you need to perform a brickwork of the smoke cabinet according to the planned sizes. Its volume should be twice as the container of the furnace.

Then the air duct should be made on a quarter from the height of the smoke and protect the place of its connection to the special collar. Drainage from metal rods is satisfied with the duct input. Soil around the design compacted.

The processing process in such a smoke is as follows:

  • with an open door after laying firewood, you need to divide the fire;
  • then the door is covered with the leaving of a small gap for air inflow;
  • by the air duct smoke enters the smokehouse;
  • after burning firewood and coal formation, add chop to them from fruit trees;
  • then the product is placed inside the smoke cabinet;
  • when filled with smoke smoke, close the door and wait;
  • after the expiration of a certain time, the product can be taste.

Enjoy your meal!

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