How to make compost with your own hands

How to make compost with your own hands

Compost is an organic fertilizer for garden plants obtained from ordinary waste. It moisturizes the soil, structures it, enriches mineral trace elements, increases the fertility of the Earth. The most popular cold (slow) method of cooking compost. For ripening, the humus in this case will require at least 3 years, but the quality of the compost will be very high.

First you need to choose a plot for a compost heap. It must comply with some requirements. A place with a compost bunch should be removed from home and from water sources at least 25 meters and have a stock to remove the extra liquid. The compost pile must be protected from direct sunlight and drafts. The size of the compost heap is not less than 1.5 square meters. And yet: the land under the compoter should be switched for a better message with soil.


A place for compost maturation is defined - excellent. Now you need to build a frame that will prevent the scattering of the compost heap. When making a frame (drawer) it is important to choose the right materials. Better, if it is wooden boards or metal chain mesh. During the construction of the box, press the door - to be able to freely replenish it with waste. Important moment: Compost Box does not have the bottom! Making the box to make a pre-created drainage layer. Large stones and branches can be used as drainage materials.

Box do

After assembling the compoter, proceed to its filling. The main principle of filling the compost heap is alternating the layers of vegetable raw materials, organic layers and land. The alternation is made in such a manner: the bottom is laid out (15 cm high), it is evenly distributed from the waste layer on top, follows the layer from the lime to the mixture with ash and feces. Closes all the layer from the ground. After it, everything is repeated.

And now we will list that it is possible and that cannot be used to fill the compost heap. It is possible to use: vegetable waste, paper and natural fabrics, food waste, human feces and birds (peat, hay or sawdust).


It is impossible: living seeds and cereals (so as not to sprout after making a compost into the soil), feces of cats and dogs (may be unsafe), animal bones (do not have time to decompose), sick plants (so as not to infect healthy cultures), dead insects.


As you can see, the process of creating a compost heap is simple and accessible even for a novice gardener. In conclusion, I would like to list a few more important recommendations for the care of a pile:

  • Once every three months it is necessary to drag the top layer.
  • If summer is arid - a bunch must be moisturized with a cowhide solution; If the summer is rainy - cover the slate sheet from above.
  • If the smell of rotten, ammonia or ammonia comes from the compost heap - it means that too many food waste and little vegetable are used.
  • If mold or fungus appears in the compost - air circulation was broken; A bunch in this case should be completely shifting.
  • The main indicator is that compost is ready - this is his smell. The ripe compost smells a wet land and no longer.

Earth with a plant

So all the simple recommendations on how to create a compost bunch and how to care for it. The main thing is the desire and some patience.

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