How to make scarecrow do it yourself

How to make scarecrow do it yourself

In Starin, the scarecrow was built with one goal - to protect the harvest from the feathers of the vorays. Today, a funny prototype of a human figure can become a highlight of the landscape design and a business card of your site. For work, you will need only a few hours and the simplest remedies.

We start with the island. Two sticks with a length of 1.5 and 2 meters by bonding with self-draws or twine so that the frame is reminded of a person with stretched hands. Cuttings are suitable from old shovel, unnecessary boards, fittings or corners.

For your head, we use a non-rective pillowcase, stocking, burlap. Put the matter with packages, rags, straw. It is important to choose such a filler that will endure bad weather. For example, paper will quickly lose the form, it cannot be placed inside the stuffed. If the aesthetic component is important, cut out from the main matter of two circles with a diameter of about 30 cm and sew them. In addition, it looks spectacular pumpkin head with slots in the form of eyes, nose, mouth. However, at high air temperatures, the pumpkin quickly rotates, that is, it is impractical as the material.

For tissue head, it is important to make a face. Basic features embroider woolen thread, lay off buttons or pieces of fabric. You can stick overhead eyelashes to the eyes, and cheeks to grab red lipstick. Ready face framing with straw, rag mop or other suitable raw materials.

On the core wear a shirt. The ends of the sleeves and the waist line tie to the rope, inside the same filler that was used for the head. The lower part of the torso form in a similar way with the help of pants or overalls. If possible, choose the clothes of blue: it is not peculiar to nature, so the animals face it. For more realism to the hands tie full of gloves and obuem worn boots on his feet.

Next, decorate scarecrow. Accessories should bring closer to the figure to the image of a real person and at the same time serve as a source of noise, shine and movements that are so afraid of birds. We can use such items:

  • hat, cap, straw or felt hat;
  • shoulder bag;
  • belt from CD discs;
  • necklace from bells, plastic and metal caps from bottles;
  • pairs of bonded tin cans;
  • magnetic tapes from cassettes to tape recorders.

If there is a desire to experiment and create the original scarecrow, consider such ideas:

  • Iron "man", fully consisting of corners, profiles, bolts. You need to install this creation only when you are completely confident that there are no lovers nearby, there are no lovers to collect "badly lying" metal.
  • Plastic scarecrow made of empty bottles of different color and litter.
  • Watchheer with a body and face of a mannequin. It is worth fastening the supports that will protect the plastic creation from drops and unwanted slopes.
  • The figure in an uncharacteristic for frightening Pose is sitting, half-off, climbing along the stepladder.
  • Progressive creation with mounted motion sensors, LEDs, rotational mechanisms and other technical stuffing.

Remember that scarecrow does not necessarily have a growing look. Birds will not look at the expression of his face, the presence and probability of danger is important for them. Make a cute, smiling stuffed, which can protect crops and at the same time bring you positive emotions.

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