How to glue a mosaic

How to glue a mosaic

Mosaic tile - multifunctional facing material. It can be used not only for solid stacking as an alternative to traditional cafes, but also for decorating individual zones (for example, internal and outer surface of the bathroom / washbasin) or mirror framing. For the convenience of subsequent gluing, such a tile is sold with solid sheets - the so-called modules, so even beginner masters are causing laying technology.

Preparation of the foundation. First of all, the working surface is thoroughly cleaned from the old finish - tiles, paints, wallpaper, etc. All cracks, recesses and cracks close up with putty, after drying, undercrow the places gently sandwiched. In the presence of significant drops, the base is aligned with plaster - otherwise the elastic mosaic canvas "copies" all the flaws of the faced surface. The prepared plane is treated twice with ground penetration soil. The primer is applied with the help of the maclovers and rub into the base before the formation of foam.


Marking of the working surface. Before the direct laying of the mosaic is performed by the markup of the base - from this intermediate stage of the work directly depends on the aesthetic appearance of the final cladding. For convenience, all items in the desired order are folded on the floor, then they measure their dimensions. The results obtained are transferred to the working surface using a pencil, a corner and a folding meter. As a result, a frame sketch is like a mesh, according to which the subsequent laying of mosaic sheets will occur.

Mosaic_ Dimea

Application of glue. The adhesive mixture is evenly applied to the working surface using a toothed spatula (the optimal length of the tooth of the tool is 4-4.5 mm), the tile sheets are not needed by glue. Consider that it is impossible to cover the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe base at once, since the average time of breathing is not more than 10-15 minutes. It is better to apply glue gradually according to the markup, a plot behind the site.

An important nuance! For fastening the mosaic, it is necessary to use that glue composition that is suitable for the type of factionable base. As for the shade of the solution, it must either repeat the color of the mosaic, or be lighter it.

Mosaic glue

Print mosaic. To lay the mosaic modules, proceed immediately after applying glue. Each tiled sheet is glued with a paper base outside and neatly rolled the rubber roller. Between the docking canvas mosaic place plastic cross-separators. In the process of laying, constantly controls that the seams between the individual modules correspond to the distance between the so-called mosaic chips.

An important nuance! Since each tiled sheet has a definite size, without fitting the canvas can not do. That is why the mosaic is better to start gluing from the center of the working surface or from the most illuminated area, so that the cropped elements are located either along the edges or in the most darkened areas. In the ranks, the module is cut off with a stationery or construction knife, for trimming of individual chips use special nippers.


Removing the protective coating. After 30-40 minutes after laying, the facial paper base is abundantly wetted with a sponge. In order not to move the mosaic sting, they begin to remove the spacious paper from the upper angle and diagonally. If necessary, neatly adjust the position of mosaic fragments. After that, we clean the docking seams from the excess glue, for this, use a small plastic spatula or a wooden wand.


Shutters. After finalizing the adhesive solution (usually it takes 24-36 hours) proceed to seal the seams. The grouting mixture is bred according to the instructions in the instructions and applied to clean dry mosaic web with a rubber spatula. Excess the grouts are carefully removed with a wet sponge. Purified mosaic is carefully polished with diagonal movements with felt, bike or flannel.

Mosaic putty

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the laying of the mosaic tile. Impeccable cladding of his own execution undoubtedly justifies the time and physical effort.

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