How to make paving slabs

How to make paving slabs

Homemade paving slabs will be a good alternative to factory products while compliance with production technology.

Necessary equipment

The choice of tools for work depends on the expected result:

  • For the manufacture of several tens of meters, the tiles will have enough drill with a mixer and capacity by 20-30 liters.
  • Production of larger and large-sized products will require concrete mixer.
  • If you wish to get sidewalk, not inferior to the quality of the factory, you will have to make vibrostol.

Forms for pouring can be:

  • Homemade boxes from boards and plywood.
  • Semi-finished containers.
  • Purchased forms: rubber or plastic.

It will still need a trowel, bucket, film, tassel and oil.

Expendable materials

Basic components for the manufacture of tiles:

  • Cement grade 400 or higher;
  • Sand River Sandy;
  • Pure water.

Additionally use:

  • The filler is a small gravel or granite dropout.
  • Plasticizer to improve the qualitative parameters of concrete.
  • Inorganic dye to get the desired tile.

"Clean" solution color can be obtained only when using white cement.

Preparation of solution

Cement and sand stirring in 1 to 3 ratio are produced in clean and dry containers. After receiving a monophonic mixture, it is started to add water in small portions, constantly operating a mixer. On 3 parts of the cement usually leaves 2 parts of the water. The solution is made plastic, but not liquid. Check the consistency of the trunks - the mixture must be held when the tool is tilted. The plasticizer before making is stirred in hot water (200 g per 1 liter), the amount of which is also taken into account when preparing the solution.

Filling in forms

Homemade forms, like plastic boxes, are necessarily lubricated with oil. Purchased containers can have a surface that does not have adhesion to a cement solution. First, the shape is filled with two thirds and smash the mixture with a trowel. To compact the solution and withdrawal air, the shake shake shake, tapping along its walls. Then add a mixture to the top, flatter and, knocking the bottom about the rigid base, set aside.

Drying and leaving

Forms with a flooded solution are immediately removed into the cool place and are covered with a polyethylene film. In hot weather, tile should be moisturized, not allowing the cracking of concrete. Release the forms in 2-3 days, carefully pulling out concrete rolls and folding them in 5-6 rows. The homemade tile will be finished for paving 3-4 weeks after casting.

How profitable is it

For the manufacture of 1 m² tiles goes:

  1. Cement - 1 bucket ($ 1.5);
  2. Sand - 3 buckets (0.1 $);
  3. Plasticizer - 200 g (0.4 $);
  4. Dye - 400 g (0.9 $).

The final costs are $ 2.9, without taking into account water and spent time. You can purchase a square meter of color paving slabs for $ 7-8.

Creating a coating for the track with your own hands, in addition to essential savings, you get an exclusive option and pleasure from work. And durability guarantees compliance with technological techniques and the correct laying paving slabs.

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