How to lay a tile at the cottage

How to lay a tile at the cottage

During the arrangement and zoning of the local area, the need arises to remove garden paths, recreation area, playground of children, etc. For these purposes, do not find the best material than the pavetling tiles. In addition, the process of its laying and designing the plot with its help does not take much time and strength.

Paving tile is very popular thanks to numerous advantages that it is inherent in:

  • The material is presented in a wide range of colors, there can be a variety of form and invoice. Thus, it is possible to embody any idea into reality, to achieve a harmonious design of the household plot and the logical association of all elements.
  • Tile is absolutely safe from the standpoint of ecology. Under the scorching sun in the summer, it does not soften, and no harmful substances are distinguished into the air.
  • The garden tracks from the tile do not contribute to the accumulation of water after the rain and the formation of the puddle due to the intercine seam filled with sand. It does not disturb the need of plants in water.
  • The tile acts as a durable material, if you put it high quality, then the tracks will serve you at least 15 years.
  • Ideal for operation in terms of harsh winters, characterized by high strength and low abrasability.
  • Care of the track paved with tiles does not represent a special complexity. And if some product is damaged, there is no need to change all the coating, it is enough to replace several tiles.

Pre-prepare the laying scheme of paving slabs and make the layout of the area with the help of wooden peg and stretched between them ropes. Take into account that the width of the track should not be less than 90 cm. After you can calculate the area under the coating with tiles and purchase the necessary amount. It should take another 20% about the stock in case of combat and damage to certain products during operation. When laying the tile diagonally, the material should be taken more than 30%.

It is important to choose high-quality pavement tiles. In addition to their preferences, consider the performance characteristics of the material. For the equipment of the recreation area or the vehicle site, the tile must withstand not only human weight, but also heavy structures - for example, canopy for cars, gazebo, street oven. Attention is drawn to the roughness and shape of products. In addition to the tile, you will need materials such as sand, cement (brand 500), curbstone, gravel. The latter can be replaced with rubble, pebbles or broken brick.

Prepare such tools and devices: Metal or wood molding, trumpet, handles, pegs, level, cord, bollard, vibrating plates, 2-way beam, wage, shovel, rake.

In the next stage, we will deal with the preparation of the foundation, the work is responsible, since the durability of the entire site depends on the quality of the base:

  1. With the placement of the territory, remove the turf layer with stones and garbage - approximately 15 centimeters. If there is a movable ground on your site, you should remove more land. With a soft ground, moisten it with water.
    Consider that it is necessary to create a slope for flowing water - rain, when painting possessions and a melting snow. It should be at least 5 millimeters per 1 meter.
  2. Aligning the surface with robbles, pour it off with a mixture cooked from sand, pebbles, brick fragments. And align again.
  3. From above, place geotextiles to exclude the germination of weeds and the drawdown of the track as a result of entering down the top layer of sand.
  4. To give a track of clear outlines and the chosen form, a curb should be made, putting a curb stone. Its height should be greater than the level of laying paving slabs to prevent water flow.
  5. Put the geotextile with coarser-grained sand, the ramming subsequently and abundantly watering with water. When the pillow dries, as a rule, after 3-4 hours, check if the surfaces of the pits and tubercles were formed on the surface, and crumple it with a beam if necessary.
  6. From above, the site should be equipped with a sand pillow, falling asleep with a dry mixture consisting of sand (5 parts) and cement (1 part). If you work with a complicated soil, then lay a layer of cement with sand and a layer of concrete.

Now you can do the main work on laying tiles in your country:

  • It is advisable to pre-lay a small sample to evaluate how the composition will look. It is enough to arrange several tiles.
  • Proper laying of the tile involves work from themselves, diagonally, so as not to come on it. In extreme cases, to lay the Plot to the Plot.
  • When laying, press carefully tiles, boo use using the Cyanka. If it does not lie tightly, lift to fill the sand from below - remove the layer or report a bit.
  • Bricks should fit tightly one to another, and to set the same intervals between them, use cross. The gap is 2-5 millimeters.
  • To correctly align the tile, use the construction level and the image.
  • If during the process there was a need to trim the brick to give it a certain form, use the grinder.

After laying the paving slabs on the planned area, the surface must be removed, desoj the garbage, and pour clean sand. Then you should compact the laid out the tracks using vibratinglitis, which has a rubber sole, or an even log. Then again sprinkle all the sand, which after a while you need to wash off. To give a track more attractive look, you can use quartz sand. Subsequently, just update the sand in the seams that is washed out.

The tracks and platforms decorated with paving tiles will become a stylish decoration of your site.

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