The slope not only takes the rain and melting snow from the foundation, but also performs a decorative function. Usually it is poured with concrete, but if there is a sidewalk, it will certainly be a decoration for the house.
We make the markup of the future scene. Its width - on average 1 meter, while we take into account that it should at least 20 cm go out for the flight of the roof.
On the markup, they dig a soil to a depth of 20-30 cm throughout the perimeter of the house.
We make a formwork for the scene, for this on the outside it often clog the pegs often and lay plastic, boards or fane on them.
I fall asleep with a smooth layer of sand with a thickness of 5 cm. Welcome sand with water, carefully tamper. Following the layer of rubble with a thickness of 5 cm.
Create a compensating seam between the foundation and the deficiency. To do this, either we put mastic on the foundation, or lay 2 layers of rubberoid. The function of this seam is the protection of the breakfast from the cracks in the case of precipitation at home.
We put the reinforced grid throughout the area of \u200b\u200bthe scene.
We make the markup of the slope with the help of threads. The slope must be about 5 ° from home. Fresh threads to formwork with nails, to the foundation - with the help of quick installation. Between threads, the distance should be about a meter.
Create compensating seams perpendicular to the foundation. The distance between them is no more than 2 m. When the temperature drops, they will prevent cracks in the breakfast.
We prepare a concrete solution for fill. The recipe is such: the ratio of cement-sand-crushed stone 1 to 2 K 3. The consistency of the solution should be sufficiently thick. For the preparation of concrete into the mixer, we pour water, then, cement, which thoroughly mix to obtain cement milk. Then we fall asleep crushed stone, which "bathes" in the solution, and at the very end add sand.
Pour concrete segments between compensating seams. In the process, we establish the lavety under the drainage, if they are provided. Align the concrete is more conveniently smooth wooden board with a length of more than a meter, while taking into account the level of the slope of the scene.
When concrete flooded around the entire perimeter of the house, we cover the breakfast with a polyethylene film to avoid deformation and cracks. If the weather is hot, periodically water the water breakdown. On average, concrete freezes 2 days.
If desired, the breakfast can be decorated with paving slabs, it will be necessary to refer the layer of waterproofing material, pour the sand layer, to catch it. Next, put the border and the tile itself, fall asleep the seams. It is important to take into account that the whole number of tiles should be fitted from the house before the curb.
The scene not only protects the foundation of the structure, but also performs the function of the tracks around the house. The neat look of the scene will become a good addition to the general picture of the house.
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