Pillow under the foundation how to make

Pillow under the foundation how to make

The foundation is the basis of home, the durability of the whole construction depends on it. To give the reliability and strength of this design and provide a smaller shrinkage, you should properly equip the pillow under the foundation - a stable and flat area. Consider in more detail how to do it.

Sand pillow

The sand pillow is a budget option that is characterized by simplicity of arrangement, but at the same time copes with its functions perfectly. A moderate load is created on the lower part of the foundation, which does not exceed the rate of the norm, the base is reliably protected from the washing and exposure to groundwater.

The use of a sand pillow is advisable in such cases:

  • The location of the groundwater is far from the surface of the soil.
  • Using to build the structure of such light materials such as foam blocks, frameworks, polystyrene foam, since the large loads of the sand pillow withstands badly.
  • It is planned to build a one-story house, but in the construction of a multi-storey preference to another view of the pillow.

Features of the creation of a sand pillow:

  1. When arranging a sandy pillow, determine the depth of groundwater and the level of their approximation to the surface in the spring. If they lie close, then you will have to set up additionally under the draenage pillow.
  2. First, the pockets of the pit - pit or trench, depending on the type of foundation you have chosen.
  3. The next step is a neat leveling of the surface so that there are no sand clusters on some sections, and failures on others.
  4. Then we will fall asleep sand. Only gravel sand, which has a large fraction. Small for this purpose is not suitable, since this material is worse resisting compression and is capable of provoking large shrinkages in the future. It is allowed to use pure river sand, which is characterized by an average fraction.
  5. Sand covered with layers, each of which is 200 mm. In general, the pillow must have a thickness close to 20-25 cm.
  6. To remove the sewage of the sand, during the backfilling of each layer, spend a thorough traam using a special tool intended for this - vibrating plates. As a result of the tamping, a robust surface should be obtained, on which even the traces of the boot soles remain.
  7. Remember that it is impossible to rub the sand through the old grandfathers.
  8. When carrying out the sand, wet the sand so that the sand layer gets the maximum density.
  9. Make so many layers as you need to achieve the necessary thickness of the sand pillow.
  10. At the end of work, evaluate the surface surface, if necessary, align it by horizon.

Crushed stone pillow

Since rubble is stronger than sand, the pillow under the foundation will turn out to be stronger. It is suitable for any building, for example, a large country house of any floor, regardless of the material that will be used for its erection.

Consider a detailed procedure for creating a rubbed pillow:

  • The building material protrudes crushed stone, the size of which in the optimal version should be 20 per 40 mm.
  • Before arranging the site you need to lay a layer consisting of a smaller material - for example, sand, which has a large size. Its thickness reaches 10-15 cm.
  • Next, the layer is smoothed and trambed according to the technology, which was described in paragraph 1.
  • After the sanding layer, we turn to the laying of rubble, the layer of which should have a thickness of 20-25 cm.
  • Thoroughly tramble rubble with the help of vibrating plates and watch too large gaps between pebbles.
  • The top layer of the chicken pillow under the foundation should settle on the zero mark with which you will maintain a base.

Concrete pillow

The concrete pillow is characterized by high strength, but the cost of its arrangement is high, although justified by a significant operational period. It is recognized as the most reliable design that can be built under the foundation.

Check out the sequence of creating a concrete pillow:

  1. Take care of the preparation of the soil that needs to be pretty well. Place crushed stone, whose layer has no more than 10 centimeters, and sink the surface using vibrating plates.
  2. Calculate correctly the sizes of the pillow so that they are greater than the size of the foundation. A properly equipped pillow is beyond the boundaries of the base for 15 centimeters on each side.
  3. Set around the perimeter of the future concrete cushion formwork from the boards, the height of which should coincide with the bottom mark of the foundation.
  4. To achieve greater strength of the foundation, the pillow should be strengthened with metal bar - reinforcement. For this, rods are suitable, which have a diameter of 8 to 12 mm.
  5. The concrete solution is poured into the level of the upper part of the formwork, that is, before the place where the foundation begins. Select the brand of concrete is based on the weight that will have the construction.
  6. At the next stage, the design is lost using a deep vibrator for this purpose.
    To strengthen the pillow, you can insert bars made of metal, which should perform above the surface - by about 20-30 cm.

Thus, the success of the future construction work and the reliability of the entire construction, as well as from the strictest observance of the technological process depends on the correctness of the selection of the pillow.

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