How to make a ribbon foundation

How to make a ribbon foundation

The basis of any structure is the foundation that must be durable, reliable and stable. There are many types of foundations, but the most popular in private construction is tape. It is great for buildings in which there is a basement, underground or ground floor, which are located on dry ground.

Marking of belt foundation

Before the construction of any foundation, mark the inner and external border of the structure:

  1. Marking is carried out using rope and reinforcement or peg. Start the procedure with the definition of the axis of the house.
  2. If possible, use a fishing line or wire to avoid marking sagging.
  3. First you need to mark the location of the first angle. From him perpendicularly stretching the fishing line. Then find the second angle, and then the third one. To determine the fourth you will need a square.
    Now check the corners of the design using the roulette. Measure the diagonal, they must coincide in length. If they coincided, secure fittings in the ground.
  4. Only now you can pull the line and place the inner border. The ribbon foundation must have a width of 40 cm, so make a respective indent 40 cm.


First you need to clear the area from the garbage and align it. To work, you need to get a water level to control the soil drops around the perimeter and eliminate the difference in the height of the tape. Find the lowest point from which the trench depth is calculated. This indicator should be about 40 cm for a small home. Digging the shovel or attract the excavator to this case. Screw the pit, make sure that it is smooth, and the walls are vertical. Then came a turn of arrangement of a sand pillow, a thickness of 10-15 cm, to soften the load on the foundation in the off-season and saving the building material. When aligning the pillow, we also use a water level and a lace. After moisten the sand with water, it is trambed it using a wooden bar. From above, it is possible to float crushed stone to enhance the strength of the foundation, and place the waterproofing material, for example, rubberoid or PVC film.

Formwork for a ribbon foundation

At this stage we will engage in the manufacture of formwork:

  • For formwork, we use the edged board, Phaneur, slices of metal tiles, from which formwork shields are manufactured. They knock them off from the inside, applying nails or screws. Fastening elements are bend outside to achieve the most smooth surface and facilitate their subsequent dismantling.
  • Formwork should rise above the ground. As a rule, 30 cm is sufficient.
  • Wooden struts will be needed to compensate for the mass of concrete when pouring. To preserve the integrity of the design, it is better to put the struts more often.
  • Inside the formwork, it is necessary to pull the rope to control the level of the flooded surface. It is also desirable to attach polyethylene or pergamine formwork to the inside, fixing by using a construction stopler.
  • As a reinforce, put the reinforcement rods into the trench, which have a section of 12 mm. At the same time, it is necessary to make an indent of 5 cm so that they find themselves in the middle of the monolith.
  • Bind the rods knitting wire. Square cells, which is obtained when connected, must have a size of about 30-35 cm. It is better not to use welding to connect the reinforcement to eliminate the appearance of corrosion in the connection places. In addition, the wire has a property in addition to ensure the flexibility of the structure in the event that the movement of the soil is observed.

Foundation-Ribbon Foundation-Bante

Ventilation and communications

Do not forget to worry about holes that are required for the supply of sewage and water pipes. Otherwise, they will still have to be made later, but the integrity of the structure will be disturbed. Take a piece of any pipe (asbated or plastic) and tie to the reinforcement by filling it with sand to prevent the solution in it there. Give a pipe below the level of the ground. To conduct the sewage and water supply in the future, it will only remain digging the pipes.

Waterproofing of belt foundation

Do not forget to worry about waterproofing, since otherwise wet walls, dampness and fungus will be provided. You can put the EuroBeroid in the trench and they also save the foundation after the fill, using also a resin. However, this method is not reliable and long-term, such waterproofing falls off after 2-3 years. Therefore, it is better to immediately do everything qualitatively - with the help of penetron penetration, which is added at the stage of filling the foundation, with the result that the whole thick of concrete becomes waterproof.

How to pour a ribbon foundation

When all preliminary work is over, it remains only to fill the foundation using our instructions:

  1. To determine the number of necessary concrete, multiply all design parameters, that is, find it volume.
  2. To prepare a solution, take sand, crushed stone and cement in a ratio of 3 to 5 to 1, respectively. A mixture consisting of these ingredients, dilute with water. If you have to prepare concrete for the first time, it is better to abandon this venture and buy ready-made concrete M400 brand. This will help prevent the formation of "cold seams" and cold bridges, which is why the foundation is destroyed.
  3. When using the machine from any angle of formwork, there should be free access, as the solution can harden in it. If he thicked up, it is recommended to add water.
  4. The solution is poured with layers, the size of which is 20 cm, each of them is trambed using a deep vibrator or special wheels from wood, which will prevent the formation of voids. Along with this, the walls of the formwork are closed.
  5. It is necessary to pour concrete to the level on which the rope is fixed, and the surface should be aligned at the end of work using a trowel.
  6. So that inside the air does not remain, the bolted concrete must be pounded by the reinforcement rod in several places. In addition, the formwork is confusing again.

Thus, the ribbon foundation was flooded, it remains to wait for its drying. Already two weeks later, you can dismantle formwork. For this period, the structure should be protected overnight or in rain weather using any material that is not able to wet. In the afternoon, wet the base in the afternoon so that the upper layer does not crack. About a month later, you can fade a belt foundation.

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