She asked the foundation what to do

She asked the foundation what to do

The deformation of window and door openings, cracks on the walls and in the corners of the house may indicate the satellite of the foundation. If the structure is old enough or erected without complying with the relevant technology, and the described processes do not stop, the design will soon collapse due to the lack of a solid base. Fortunately, the foundation can be reconstructed, that's just every kind requires its approach.

To assess the degree of destruction, around the house is close to the base with a digital trench of a width of at least half a meter. We study the material of the foundation and its wear, make a decision on full or partial recovery.

A columnar foundation often requires a complete replacement, since the brick from which the base is laid is hygroscopic and quickly comes to disrepair. New columns will be made from concrete: we build a formwork with a cross section of about 20-30 cm, we put the support crossbar on top, pour a raster, we leave for 14 days. We make a yam (30 cm above the line of the soil freezing) so that the finished column goes to the ground at a sharp angle, and then stood in place. When the support is installed, we fall asleep the pit in several stages: the thickness of each earth layer is equal to 10 cm, the soil between the layers is thoroughly tram.

The ribbon foundation is restored otherwise. If we are talking about a wooden house, you will need to raise the entire structure with the help of building jacks. Pre-in the building disassemble the furnace and remove the floors. For greater stiffness of the log design, fasten up vertically nailed boards. Next, the rise is extremely carefully and slowly: first, at first, we raise one part by 1.5 cm and fix the bars, then the second, third, etc. After reaching the height, optimal for repair work, check the integrity of the walls, proceed to the dismantling of the old brick and the construction of a concrete base. We make a formwork, we celebrate the upper plane of the new foundation. We smear the pillow from the sand, we put the crushed stone on top, pour concrete. When the solution completely freezes, put the house on the base.

If we are dealing with a ribbon foundation of a stone, brick, slag-free house, the dwelling can not be raised in any way, so we take the following measures:

  • In the presence of cracks that do not increase and do not affect the integrity of the design, they are enough to smell cement.
  • Partial destruction is eliminated otherwise. Along the damaged area at an angle of 35º digging a trench with a width of 40-50 cm and up to 2 meters long. If such a length was not enough, we first work with this segment, and after soaring the concrete, go to the neighboring. Old monolith cleans from plaster and destroyed building materials, processing deep penetration with primer. In the foundation drills the holes: 3-4 in a row, the horizontal distance between the rows of 0.6-1.2 m. We drive the reinforcement, weld it with horizontal bars, lay the metal mesh with a large pitch of the cells and pour concrete. After the solution is frozen the waterproofing and fall asleep, the trambus every 15 cm of soil.

It is possible to restore and the excavated angle. Along the same wall with a trench of 50 by 50 cm. The depth of such a pit should be 30 cm more than an underground base. Inside put the frame of the reinforcement, we fill with the concrete on top. After 2-3 days, the solution hardens, and it will be possible to repeat the operation along another wall.

After restoration work, the bearing capacity of the foundation will increase, which will significantly extend the service life of the construction. To minimize the destruction of the foundation in the future take off the plot of excess water, building, for example, breakfast and drainage.

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