How to strengthen the old foundation

How to strengthen the old foundation

Over time, the foundation of any construction can lose its initial strength and start cracking, crumble or seized. To prevent complete destruction of the building support, you will have to make a set of work on its strengthening.

The method and technology of strengthening the foundation is determined based on certain conditions in each individual case. A significant role in this is plays the possibility of reconstruction of the construction, the specifics of its device and the type of soil. If the cracks are small and attract specialists you do not intend - just close them with cement mortar. To prevent them in increasing, tighten both sides around the slit with the help of metal plates.

If the problem is much more serious and one putty cracks can not do - you can use more expensive ways to enhance the foundation. The most common is a reinforced concrete "shirt" around the base. For its installation, secure the reinforcement throughout the perimeter and pour this design with concrete solution.

You can also strengthen the foundation using piles. However, this method is impossible without the presence of special equipment - drilling machines. The essence of the method is to drill wells in the foundation or near it and placing piles in them. As a rule, the drilling process is combined with a concrete filling procedure in the well. Often, for additional efforts inside the bored hole, metal fittings or rods are placed and only after that fill it with concrete.

The cementation is filling the cavities formed in the foundation, a special solution. In time, the strengthening procedure will allow you not only to avoid more costly repairs, but also will increase the overall level of construction.

A partial repease can be applied to enhance brick tape bases. This method is used, provided that masonry damage is insignificant, relevant for repair work carried out on foundations with a normal bearing capacity.

If necessary, you can carry out the foundation. To do this, around the processed area, dig a trench of a width of about a meter, thoroughly clean the base from dirt and make additional notches on it to enhance coupling properties. Then spray the new layer of concrete from a special gun on the foundation, after it is frozen - groove the trench.

Owning outlined above information, you can easily strengthen the foundation of any building. Properly performed works will allow such a building to stop you not yet one ten years.

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