How to calculate the foundation for the house

How to calculate the foundation for the house

When designing a house, along with other calculations, you will have to face the need to calculate the foundation. The main purpose pursued by this calculation is the exact definition of the maximum load on the soil and the foundation, as well as the definition of its reference area.

Under constant load means the mass of the entire residential building, taking into account all the elements inside it. Temporary loads are the weight of the snow cover, the impact of wind and other meteorological phenomena. The calculation of the reference area is necessary in order to calculate whether the soil will withstand the overall load from home and foundation. With the erection of large buildings, specialists are engaged using complex technological equipment. With independent construction, such accuracy is not very necessary, but you still have to calculate the main indicators.

To determine the mass of the building, determine the volume of the walls, then through the average density of the materials used for the construction, calculate their mass. Add the result of the roof to the resulting digger, taking into account its coating, the mass of the ceiling and floor. To obtain a common mass of the whole building, taking into account the elements of the internal interior (everything that is installed in your house), add 10% to the mass of the structure. To complete the calculation of the mass, add another 20% to the resulting result - this is the so-called storage stock of the foundation.

An important factor to ensure the stability of the foundation is to determine the width of its sole, under which the thickness of the foundation is understood to be sufficient to prevent its sediment. This indicator is based on the specific resistance of the soil. These values \u200b\u200bcan be found in the table below.

The calculation of linear dimensions can be carried out only for block foundation. The distance between concrete blocks should be about 20 centimeters, since they must be reliably bonded with a cement solution. Ribbon foundation build with a maximum safety margin, despite all kinds of recommendations. The width of the foundation is calculated based on the thickness of the walls. To determine the thickness of the wall adds 30%.

If you plan to install a reinforced foundation, note that the metal density in the concrete must be at least 0.1%. This value is established by regulatory documents, in particular, paragraph 7.3.5. Snip 52-01-2003. When erecting a private residential building, minor deviations from this value are allowed.


The correct calculation of the foundation at the stage of designing a residential building will allow you not only to avoid unnecessary costs, but also to build a reliable basis capable of withstanding the burden of housing constructed on it.

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